Chapter Thirteen

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I laid on the bunk while patiently waiting for Tony to come back to the cell, I had been wheeled up here by the same guard that took me to the infirmary after him and the nurse had returned from their little rendezvous. I stared up at the concrete ceiling while trying to remember if Tony ever spoke to me about his outside life and it was then that it dawned on me, I don't have a clue who Tony really is outside of this prison life he's taken up. I don't know about any past friends, any parents,... any children, but to think he had some made me more than curious and it sort of tied back to what Freddie had said about Tony before I got caught in their mayhem. Freddie had said that Tony don't even like dudes and he was going to say something way more important about me if Tony hadn't cut him off. So what did this truly all mean? It was obvious that Tony wasn't truly attracted to me... right? I mean, if it came down to Tony having to pick me or a woman, surely he would pick the woman because that's what he like. Tony like women and I was positive that he wasn't going to keep any contact with me once he won the race and made it on the outside.

Once Tony leave, I will just be left here alone and forced to live on edge for the rest of my time between these walls. The thought of Tony finally leaving my side rubbed me the wrong way, I had really sat down and thought about it until now, Tony would be leaving once he win this race. He'd be released from this prison as a low profiled citizen that could return back the ones that love him, and I was curious to know who they were, as I never heard anything about them. I sighed, raising to my upper body to a sitting position before glancing around to get an idea of where Tony and them headed... I doubt to see the Vipers right now, but they might of went to see Mautrice, and Floyd if he's back in his cell already. 

"How's your ankle?" I looked up with alert at Officer Baby Girl standing by the cell, her head cocked to the side as she stared at me with a lingering expression.

"Fine." I muttered, not sure if she could be trusted right now.

"You can walk?" She asked next, making me lower my eyebrows in questioning. 

"A little, but not far." I whispered, looking at her before cutting my eyes to the concrete wall alongside the bars of the cell. 

"Good, Warden wants to see you." I frowned at that as I was curious to why the Warden wanted to see me so suddenly.

I haven't ever seen the Warden since my three months being here and for her to suddenly decide that she wanted to see me, I wasn't sure what exactly was going on, was it something to do with the race? Something to do with Tony? I lifted my heavy foot over the end of the bed first before pulling my good leg next, I sat on the edge of my bed for a moment while deciding how I should get down. Getting up here was slightly easier because I had help from the guard that had helped me inside my cell and onto my bed for the rest I desperately needed. I slowly crept down the side of the bunkbeds before landing my feet on the ground, I then turned and looked at her before grabbing onto the metal table and moving in her direction so she could take me to see the Warden. I walked with a slight limp with the large boot on my foot to help support the splint and keep it in place no matter how much getting around I had to do, Officer Baby Girl openly curled her lip at me in distaste as I passed her before walking in front of her so we could leave the pod. I took each step slowly, feeling her presence strong as she waited for me slowly walk down the steps so I wouldn't bust my face or hurt myself worse than I was already hurt. I then came to the main door of the pod and waited as she reached to her pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

"Put them together in front of you." She ordered while displaying what she meant.

I didn't cause any problem as I did as she asked, I didn't want any trouble and I was too weak from the single high dosage of prescription of steroids that went in my elbow before I left the doctor. The lock clinking on the handcuffs almost brought me back to reality instead of what felt like a dreamy prison that definitely wasn't real, I looked down at the handcuffs before watching as she unlocked the pod door and led us into the narrow hallway of the pod center. It was so dark and gloomy with her presence here, unlike with the other guard, who I felt safer with and nothing would happen to me as we made our way to the infirmary. With the female officer that was constantly bedding Tony, I wasn't sure what her intentions were, I wasn't sure what card she was gonna play once she knew that no one could see us after turning the corner. I took a audible gulp as we neared the turning corner that would cut the sight of everyone from us, and she'd be able to do whatever she wanted. We finally rounded the corner and the atmosphere only got gloomier as the officer halted and she pushed me against the wall almost instantly.

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