Running Away

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It hurts. It hurts so bad. It hurts everywhere. I can't do this anymore! I have to get away, if only my legs can move. Come on legs! Move! This is my only chance to escape this hell hole. Despite all the pain I'm feeling I had to leave, so I got up, packed up some stuff in a suitcase and made my way downstairs to leave. I took one final look and decided to leave him a little note. So I took some pen and a peace of paper and wrote

"Fuck you Loki"

Satisfied with myself, I left the note on a counter and ran as fast as I can out the door. I'm not sure where but anywhere is safer than that hellhole I was in.

Despite the pain I was in, I just kept running. Run was all my mind kept telling me. There was so much adrenaline in my body.

As I was running I kept looking left and right to see if I saw Loki anywhere, thankfully I didn't. I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into someone. "Owww..." I groaned. "Please forgive me- oh it's you Natsu." Relieved to see the pink haired male. "Lucy? I was just on my way to go and see you actually." He said looking down kind of blushing.

"Um no you can't." "What why?" Natsu looked at Lucy up and down and saw her situation. "Why do you have a suitcase? What's going on Luce?" I don't have time for this right now I need to keep running. "Look I'm sorry I don't have time to explain  everything right now but can we go to your house please? Quickly." "Um ok sure? But Gray is at home." "I don't care that's fine I just need to get inside somewhere safe."


"Ok Lucy we're at my house, can you explain to me what's going on please?" Lucy ignored natsu and looked out the window to see if anyway saw her and closed all the windows and locked all the doors and windows. "Phew... ok now what were you saying."

"Can you please explain to me what's going on?" Gray walked in on natsu and Lucy. "Woah woah what's going on here?" "Gray..." they both said in unison. "I know I'm rushing things here but I really need to hide somewhere away from him or he's going to kill me."

"Who's after you?" "L-Loki is..." Lucy said with her head down in shame. "Loki? Your husband? Why would he be after you?" Gray asked confused. "Well I guess it's time you guys knew what happened after high school..."


"What!! Are you serious! Damn that bastard! He did all those things to you Lucy!" Natsu yelled out in anger. "I'm afraid so." "I can't believe you endured all that pain and suffering for all these years. Why didn't you just dump him and leave his ass?" "I tried to but he would always threaten me and beat me if I ever left him. But after last night, I had enough. And so I decided to pack up and leave." "Well what happened last night?" Gray asked.

"I ummm...I'd rather not talk about it right now. Too many painful memories." "I knew he was bad from the start, ever since high school. I had a bad feeling about him. But you mustn't worry Lucy, you can crash here as long as you need to, right Gray?" "Yeah of course, you'll be safe here since Loki doesn't know where we live."


"I'm home Lucy." Loki yelled in his empty house but stopped himself from going any further when he noticed a note on his counter. "Fuck you Loki?" He read out loud confused. "The fuck." He dropped all his stuff and started searching throughout his house yelling Lucy's name over and over. The last place he looked in was his room. It was a mess, clothes and shoes thrown every where.

"God damn it Lucy, so you finally did it huh? You actually left me, well there's no need to worry about that, I will find you."

"You are mine after all my love."

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