He looked sloppy, his T-shirt was soaked in a wet stain and his clothes were untidy.

"Ashley!" He yelled stumbling into our presence pulling our eyes to meet him looking helpless and lost.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt." He said as he noticed us and adjusted his vision, and then locked eyes with Woody and froze as if he had just did the worst thing of his life and had instantly regretted it.

"Woody! Shit, man I'm sorry! I'm just looking for my girl, and not trouble." He said as he seemed a little taken back "I'll leave." He spoke in a hurry as he turned around to make an exit just as Woody's eyes had quickly shifted to the big window in front of us, the window that gave us a view into the party happening inside, people filled the space of the window with dance moves and drunken conversations.

A girl with blonde hair cuddled a pillow on the couch while a drunk brunette hunched over in front of her trying to talk.

"She's on the couch." Woody spoke as he nodded in the direction of the blonde and then the guy twisted his head to see the girl he was looking for, and then thanked Woody before leaving sheepishly.

I cocked my head back in confusion and then stared at him waiting for him to address what had just happened.

"Am I missing something?" I twisted my body to face his while I was smiling small.

"What do you mean?" He knew what I was talking about but tried to brush it off. He did the same with his body, having it face me. He broke eye contact with me and licked his lips as he lifted the falling blanket up and placed it neatly and comfortably back on my lap.

He swallowed. He was nervous.

"Why was he scared of you?" I asked seriously with narrowed eyes, as a part of me wondered if I should be scared of him too.

But that was ridiculous, he saved me. I don't have a reason to be. Or...

"Look, this house...? It's Denver's, he's my friend but more like a bother." He said looking at me "I mean this use to be our house until I bought another property and moved in with my ex girlfriend, and then he had his girlfriend move in with him...into this house." He swallowed.

"Denver and I...we're a team, inseparable...and because we've basically only had each other our whole lives we've built a...let's say...a good foundation together out of fear, and business." He smiled small, "Him being the fear and me...well, I'm the business." He smirked. "But," he shook off his dashing smile "because Denver and I are one, people feel they need to fear me too, you know. Don't get me wrong I got anger issues but I don't think I'm anything to be feared, unless I'm provoked...and of course within reason." He shrugged "but Denver, he can be a little off his rocker sometimes, impulsive and explosive, but although we are different, we are viewed the same."

I looked into his eyes and for a moment I saw his eyes dull out and then he shrugged it off as I had asked another question.

"So the drug situation my father was talking about, that's the business I'm amusing?"

He laughed "You're really inquisitive" he said getting up from his swing and then he walked around to stand behind mine.

"And you're really secretive." I said as I felt him gently give the swing a push. "I prefer mysterious." He replied and I could feel him smirking so I tilt my head back to prove my intuition right, and I was...right,

but also very captivated by him.

I smiled sweetly seeing his smirk upside down and then we heard a loud bang fill our ears as it drowned out every other doing around us.

A bang like lightening, like fireworks...

Like that of a gun.

My heart jumped in my chest from the fright I had gotten and in no time I was in Woody's arms as he had scooped me up in a moment that I couldn't remember. I was holding onto him tightly as he quickly placed me down between the tall hedges of the garden that had hidden me.

"Be quiet, and don't move." He said as his firm body was pressed against mine as felt his breath greet my lips almost having his lips touch mine as I suddenly forgot how to breathe while feeling his strong arms around my waist. His eyes stared at my mouth that was so close to his and there was a moment were it felt like only him and I existed,

I hated to liked that.

But then he left in a hurry as footsteps began to approach us while everyone was going insane and running for cover from the sound of a gunshot.

I clutched my heart as I tried to regulate my breathing. I felt unsafe without him close to me. I was about to panic because It was beginning to feel like death had its target set on me.

Woody's Point Of View

Was it weird that I wanted to fuck Yale.

Everything she does turns me on and being that close to her was no exception. I knew she was seeing someone and she was having a baby but I cant help how my body and mind reacts to her. I respect her and would never expect anything that insane from her, I barely know her but at least now I know that I'm sexually attracted to her and I need to learn to control that.

I shook off my thoughts, and began to focus.

I could feel my lungs deflate as I had seen two familiar figures approach me.


My heart sped up at the sight of a gun being pointed at me. What the fuck do these two want.

Their steps now two away from me as I closed my eyes for a moment to calm down although it was kind of hard knowing Yale was in the bush watching all of this.

Sweetheart I hope you're okay, and that your closing your eyes. I'd hate for you to see the ugly side of me. I thought and then a voice pulled my attention.

"Boss Man told us to pay you a little visit, young Woody." Ethan spoke as he pressed the cold, hard, metal nose of the gun against my temple while I closed my eyes and licked my lips.

"For what reason?" I grimed at him as I stiffened my jaw.

"Romeo shot up Boss Mans house, saying he owed him drugs." Lucas said "Romeo was your drop, yours and Denver's. Where's the coke Woody?" He was stern.

The fuck must I know bitch.

I could feel my temperature rising to fury.

"We dropped that shit 2 weeks ago! What the fuck are you talking about!?"

I was confused.

"You a rowdy motherfucker...if it wasn't for Boss Man, we would have shot you right now." He said confidently "Where's the coke?" He asked again.


things started clicking.

We used a middle man this time to deliver the coke from Boss Man to Romeo, the middle man must have robbed us.

"I don't know." I responded in honesty, thinking that I had to call Denver as soon as I could.

"Well...since you're Boss Man's favorite little helper he's giving you a week to get Romeo his shit or you're dead,"

He smiled "and tell your partner that goes for his bitchass too."

Woody and Yale Falling UnderWhere stories live. Discover now