Arc 1- Chapter 2

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Lucy Heartfilia

Within a week, Lucy and Happy were finally back on the road, with nothing but coins and their backpacks full of supplies they knew they'll need. Not to mention some of the notes Lucy had taken over the course of the year containing the whereabouts of their old guildmates. They may not be all that accurate, and it might not involve everyone, but hopefully those messages she sent via lacrima would be enough.

For now, they were headed to Margaret Town, where rumors of a new guild member were blooming, and according to some of those rumors, that new member should be from Fairy Tail.

"Hey, Lushee," Happy said through a mouthful of fish, gliding easily besides her. "Who do you think we'll find at Lamia Scale?"

Lucy hummed thoughtfully. "I'm not sure yet. I haven't really thought about it since we're going to find out anyways," Lucy answered. "What about you?"

"I was thinking maybe Gray or Juvia, since Lyon's there. Maybe even Levy or Gajeel! Oh! Wouldn't it be funny if Erza were there, too?" Happy said with a laugh.

Imagining any of those guys being there made Lucy chuckle a bit. "Maybe Levy and Juvia but definitely not Gajeel and Gray. Gray hates Lyon, remember? Not to mention Gajeel would probably get kicked out for eating all the silverware."

"Well, what about Erza?"

Lucy shook her head. "We'd know if Erza was there. She isn't exactly the type of person you don't notice."

"Erza's so scary they probably turned her away at the door!"

They both had a good laugh at that. Margaret Town was supposed to be only about a day's walk from Tuly Village, a village that rung a few bells in Lucy's memory but none that she could directly think of. Hopefully we can hire a carriage guide to take us to Margaret Town, Lucy thought idly. Jeez, I hope we have enough money...

Within no time, Lucy and Happy were walking through the bustling streets of the Tuly Village market. Watching the families walk from store to store with each other, laughing and poking fun at one another, made Lucy's chest clench somewhat uncomfortably. Even though things had calmed down since the Face incident, seeing the normality outside of Magnolia was a little surprising. Here, nobody was worrying about what they were going to do without Fairy Tail, nobody was worrying about an older short man and a dragon slayer; they were just going about their day. Really goes to show that no matter what happens, life really does go on.

The thought was both reassuring and somewhat disappointing.

Not too far away, Lucy could see the tower overlooking the city. She paused for a second to look at it. The white bricks were ashen grey in some places and the cone-shaped roof was mismatched in others. It looks familiar, but from where...?

Oh that's right, Lucy realized with a pang, that's the tower Natsu destroyed.

"Lushee?" Happy asked, and Lucy snapped out of her reverie to peer at the cat. The small blue cat's brows were furrowed as his wings disappeared and he landed on the floor. "Are you okay?"

Lucy looked up at the tower one last time. "Yeah, I will be." She looked back down at the cat and smiled. "The sooner we revive Fairy Tail, the sooner we can look for Natsu."

"A-aye," Happy said with a nod.

"Did you say Fairy Tail?" a well dressed man snapped. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a monocle over his right eye. His voice was high pitched and carried across the square, attracting the attention of some of the locals.

"Yes," Lucy confirmed, suddenly nervous. The man narrowed his eyes at her accusingly.

"You're better off forgetting that name, little girl! That was a guild full of monsters! Ishgar will be much safer now that it's gone!" he squealed.

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