Chapter 33: Diapers Only

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He had a pained expression in his eyes, "Please...please don't get me wrong" he begged, his hand reaching for mine.

I took it away without a moment's hesitation, "My view of you hasn't changed in the least, Sasuke" I said calmly though I could hear a hint of ice in my voice.

He paused to think over what I said while I quickly found my seat and drowned myself in my own thoughts.

When the bell finally rung for second period, I literally exploded out of my seat. Sasuke and Liz had been harassing me from both sides asking for details, plans and understanding. I just about had enough. Grabbing whatever books I had with me, I left in a hurry for the gymnasium, my next period. As I stormed through the halls with Liz calling after me in frustration, I thought I caught a glimpse of the bright, golden hair that made me want to hurl but I was going much too fast to focus much. Arriving at the girls' change room with a sour expression, I'd expect several to be curious but more were scared and seemingly concerned...or was that pity? I threw down my stuff and changed in record speed before entering the gym through the next door.

"Oh! Hi Elvira! You're quite fast today!" Gai greeted happily.

I tried to contain my bad mood but all I managed was a half-hearted grimace, "What's the activity today?" I asked as calmly as I could.

"Well, I was thinking-" he started.

"How about dodgeball?" I interrupted right away, "It feels like a dodgeball day today" I said, determined.

He blinked, a little dazed by my abruptness, "Oh...uh, sure...if you'd like..." he mumbled.

"Great" I confirmed, "I'll get the balls from the storage room" I volunteered without missing a single beat.

I left without waiting for a reply. I felt a little light-headed, as if all my blood was pounding in my head. Adrenaline...or was it anger? But what reason did I have to be angry? By the time I dragged the balls out onto the gymnasium floor, most of the kids were filing out of the change rooms. Liz gave me a concerned glance. That look again, it only seemed to make my blood boil hotter and my heart thunder along faster.

"Okay, kids! Today, we'll be playing a youthful game of-" Gai tried to say.

"Yes. Dodgeball. Doctor dodgeball. Two teams. Liz and Naruto are captains. Let's get this show on the road" I snapped as I dropped the dodgeballs in front of the group of kids.

When no one responded, all seeming to be surprised by my behaviour, I enforced my instructions.

"Now!" I hissed.

Liz pouted as Naruto scrambled to pick out his first team member. Liz picked me automatically and this went on and on until Liz tried to pick another member.


I shot her a glare so malevolent, she would've sustained a fatal hit if the phrase 'if looks could kill' were true.

"Sa...kura" she finished choppily.

Sasuke looked disappointed. The other team ended up selecting Sasuke as we took Choji onto our team. We fairly distributed the dodgeballs and Gai's sharp whistle sounded. I turned the ball in my hands, testing out how it felt in my grip and adjusting it. I hadn't meant to but my eyes always wandered back to one target.

Hana...diapers...only, these random words echoed in my head annoyingly.

I pulled my hand back and turned my gaze on Naruto. He wasn't aware that my gaze was on him and my body poised for a hard throw. A second later, there was a loud yelp and my ball was bouncing idly towards the back of the gym opposing my side.

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