41 (사람들이 다 죽다) Everyone Ends Up Dead

Start from the beginning

"Hi?" He asked, trying to speak as normally as he could because he didn't want to make Hoseok suspicious. "Can you hear me?"

He could hear Taehyung's deep voice, asking about who was calling.

Fucker. He must be near the model for his voice to be heard that clearly.

Being near him. Touching him. Making him drunk, by the sound of his voice.

Ignoring him while having fun with their favorite idol.

When he only had to bring him home.

Strictly, had to do just that.

"JK?" almost screamed the model, and Jungkook could feel his ears turning pink. "There you are! You abandoned me! How dare you to leave me there? I'm about to fire you, you know! What kind of guardian leaves his protected alone? Aish!"

Jungkook prayed for Hoseok to be distracted and deaf enough to ignore what the model was saying.

Obviously, he wasn't deaf nor stupid to ignore it. He was hearing it all. And his knuckles were turning white.

"Yeah, about that, sorry!" He apologized, scratching his neck and biting his lower lip, feeling scolded by his hyung. "Something important came up, that's why... you know, hyung had to pick you up instead of me" He traced his phone volume keys with a finger. "Where are you by the way? Aren't you home?"

Jin laughed some more and he sounded really, really drunk.

"Noooo, we are having fun and outing in Hongdae. So, I guess that I can forgive you" He laughed some more. "As the one, I ended up with isn't that bad, once you get to know him" Suddenly, Tae's voice sounded really, really close as if he was hugging him or something... which was totally impossible, right?

They weren't that close.

But, the background sounds blocked whatever answer he gave. People were screaming out there, sounding as if a lot of people were playing drinking games, by the songs they were singing.

A lot of chants of Masyeora, Masyeora~ could be heard, along with laughter and chatter with the sound of glasses and bottles being almost thrown away to their tables. The sound of shots being drunk and proudly put on the table with loud bangs.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, pour me some more soju, please!" He ordered, bossy. "And stop using your damn camera, I said that this isn't my handsome profile!"

Jungkook could hear: what are you saying hyung? You are perfect. Never doubt it. And his deep voice kind of sounded tipsy too. And close.

They seemed lost in their own world, so the young policeman decided to bring the conversation back to the main topic there.

The case. And the reason because he didn't pick him up.

"Hyung, just wanted to say that we are following a really, extremely important trail and won't be able to arrive home tonight, so make sure to take a taxi and avoid getting into shady places, OK? You are in danger, always remember it, OK?" He warned, avoiding Hoseok eyes." Go home soon, don't get too drunk and please, please,  be careful and, hand the telephone to Kim Taehyung-ssi, please."

Jin laughed some more.

"Oh, you found something?" He sounded really happy. "Cool! Bring them down, for me, yes?" He paused, and the background sounds were really clear. "Taehyungie, here, he wants to speak with you"

And now they were in first name basis. What the hell?

Yet, his astounding didn't last much, as Taehyung said:

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