Arc 1- Chapter 1

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Lucy would give anything to get an answer to those questions. The case of Natsu's disappearance was at least somewhat logical, but Master? Suddenly disbanding out of the blue and going God knows where? It was fishy, beyond fishy, really. Ugh, as if the article wasn't giving her a headache enough, now she's subconsciously returned to trying to solve the apparent unsolvable puzzle. She has so many theories and questions buzzing around in her head, sleep seemed like a distant possibility.

Lucy got up from her desk and stretched her arms out above her head with a yawn. "I think I've done enough thinking for one day, Happy. I'll finish my work tomorrow," she said, and Happy nodded his head with a quiet "Aye".

Lucy walked into her bathroom and took a long, warm bath before getting dressed and ready for bed. By the time she returned to her bedroom, Happy was already dozing off on her bed. Lucy turned off the lights, climbed into bed, and held the blue cat close to her.

It was only through smelling the old, familiar scent of ash and pine that she was able to fall asleep.


Today was going to be an annoying day, that much Lucy was certain about.

Not only did she have to dress nice and wander in the streets in her God forsaken heels, but she had to go to the Grand Magic Games without participating! At all! It was infuriating, especially since the only reason she was even allowed into that stadium was because of her job with Sorcerer Weekly. Skull Milione... She'd really would rather doing those lame polls on the Top 10 Sexiest Wizards.

"Lushee, you're frowning," Happy pointed out from his place on her shoulder, and Lucy forced herself to take a deep breath, though the tension between her brows refused to let up. She smiled at Happy.

"Sorry, Happy. I guess I didn't sleep all that well," she said, but Happy didn't seem convinced if that frown of his was anything to go by. Thankfully, he said nothing more as Lucy came up to the front desk and handed the clerk her tickets. She was allowed in and quickly made her way to the announcer's box. Even though she was an hour early, the stadium was more than halfway full with civilians. Watching them look down at the arena below filled her gut with a bitter sense of nostalgia.

"It doesn't seem that long ago, huh?" Happy asked, and Lucy nodded her head gravely. People all over the stadium were separated with colorful posters and T-shirts bearing the insignia of their respective guilds, some of them old, most of them new. It didn't seem like that long ago when people were wearing Fairy Tail's merch.

Fairy Tail...

"Yeah," Lucy agreed sadly. "It really doesn't."

They continued on their way to the announcer's box at snail's pace. Lucy was so lost in her memories that she didn't notice the voice calling her name until Happy poker her shoulder. She stopped and turned to face Jason, apparently her boss wasn't as timely as she was either. The blond man smiled that award winning smile at her.

"Lucy! Good morning!" Jason greeted cheerfully, and Lucy couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Good morning, Jason," Lucy greeted politely. "Need help with anything?"

"Not really, I just wanted to hear about the progress you've made on the Skull Milione article," Jason said and Lucy coughed awkwardly.

"I- um," she stammered. "I- I- I haven't written the actual article yet, I'm still gathering more info!"

Jason sighed and crossed his arms as his expression soured slightly. "You promised to have the draft done by today, Lucy," he said.

"I- I know, but I still don't know what to write! Writer's block is a pain, you know," Lucy tried laughing off her unease, but Jason didn't seem like he was buying any of it.

Walk Through The Fire (Fairy Tail) [Book 1] [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant