"Yo, Freddie, shut the fu-" Tony tried to quickly cut him off. 

"Naw, fuck all of that! This little bitch walk around like I can't find someone that will beat your ass up for me, I can pay Mautrice to do it like I did before! I'm tired of this hoe feeling like he own every-fucking-thing. And Tony, you became a straight pussy for this dude! You don't even like dudes!" I glared at Freddie as he bucked up to Tony, who stepped in front of me protectively.

"Don't disrespect my girl or me!" Tony snapped angrily, pushing Freddie. "What the fuck wrong with you?"

Freddie growled angrily before pushing Tony back even harder, unlucky for me, I was right in the line of his stumble and one second, I was standing behind Tony but the next, I was laying under him and my ankle felt like it had been set on fire. A sharp pained cry escaped my lips as I immediately went to grab my agonizing ankle when Tony quickly rolled to his knees to get off of me and looked at me in utter shock, tears immediately started rushing down my cheek as I clutched it. I hissed as Tony immediately went to inspecting my ankle before his eyes slowly turned to Freddie, who looked just as shocked as I cried and grabbed onto Tony's shirt while trying to fight the pain burning through my left ankle. He carefully wrapped his arms around me and slowly rose me to my feet as Freddie slowly took a step forward but immediately changed his mind after contemplating the situation. I hissed as I tried to stand up and immediately crumbled, Tony barely catching me in time before quickly picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the lower basement with panic on his face. The pain was the worst I ever felt, I whimpered as blackness start edging around the corners of my eyes, this was not good... whatever just happened, the damage was done. I blinked away the darkness and winced when Tony sat me down in the wheelchair a guard provide to wheel me to the prison infirmary, I looked back at Tony to catch him rub his head in what appeared to be regret and pain himself. I hissed as we turned the corner and my left ankle drug a little, a soft cry escaped my mouth as I reached up and wiped the tears pouring down my cheeks. We reached the infirmary which was actually housed in the same particular building that we were calling home for the mean time, as men are more likely to have serious enough injuries from fighting than women. The wheelchair I was occupying came to a stop as we reached the infirmary door and it was opened for the guard to push it in.

"Sprained or broken ankle, we shall never know." The guard actually had the audacity to joke.

If I wasn't in such crippling pain, I would of probably said a smart remark or give him a mean glare that told him to shut the hell up and do his fucking job, a nurse pointed us in the direction to go and he pushed me along the way. With his and the nurse assistance, I was dropped into a examination bed and the nurse suddenly grabbed my ankle and lifted it to put on the bed, I couldn't hold back the loud shout that escaped, scaring her and the guard momentarily as I curled up in pain on the bed, clutching my ankle tightly to me. 

"I'm sorry, honey!" She cried in shock, quickly wrapping around the table so she could see my face. "What's your name?"

"Ba- I mean Kiden Conner." I said, catching myself quickly as she quickly nodded. 

"You allergic to anything?" I answered with the shake of the head as the doctor entered and started to examine my ankle while I either shook my head or nodded my head at the nurse. 

"It's definitely broken." I looked over at the prison doctor with a frown as she lightly touched a few extra spots, causing me to flinch even more. "What happened?"

"I tried to jump from my bunk..." I said slowly, glancing up at her as she looked at me with a you-got-to-be-kidding expression, making me roll my eyes but not say anything else.

"Looks more like you jumped from the second landing." I frowned in confusion to what she meant before it dawned on me.

"Oh hell no, that's too fucking high. I wouldn't had even fallen right." I said, shaking my head while giving her an expression that said she's crazy as hell.

"Alright well... all I can do is give you ibuprofen that the pharmacy will give you every time you ask for it. They will receive a slip that will say what times you can come around to get your medicine, that's during breakfast, lunch, and dinner only." I nodded my head slowly as the doctor sent the nurse to retrieve a splint. 

"I'm supposed to be racing with my boy... my boyfriend..." I said, even shocked that I was claiming him as my boyfriend right to this doctor. 

"How long have you been in this prison?" She asked suddenly, giving me a curious cock of the head.

I paused as I thought back that far for the first time, I came here in July and it's about to be September in a merely three days, and that's when the races start. "Going on three months.""

"You've never seen any of the races, have you?" I shook my head at her question, confused on what she was talking about. "These aren't no Mario Kart races, Mr. Conner, they're life and death."

"I-I know... I helped with my boyfriend's c-" 

"Who's your boyfriend?" She asked, immediately cutting my sentence short so swiftly.

"Tony." I said loud enough for her to hear as the guard stepped aside to go with the nurse after she was taking a little while. 

Suddenly, the doctor scuffled as she shook her head, she rose to her feet and walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a splint for my left ankle. I looked at her in confusion before glancing between the door and the doctor before it dawned on me then and there, the nurse and guard must of made plans just this moment. I hissed she lifted my ankle and her cold hands applied the splint very carefully while making sure it was supportive enough that my leg would heel correctly, which I was thankful for. 

"You be careful in this race, it's Tony's last one and I know they're all going to gun for his car... even with you in it." She said in a hushed voice, looking me dead in the eyes to show she was serious and very thorough about her warning to me. "Definitely warden." 

I took a gulp and nodded, making sure to remember to pass the warning to Tony and the others that were helping with the car so they know to watch for anything suspicious going on. I looked down at my ankle and slowly tired to move it, and it took effort before I was able to slide it across the examination bed that was rather comfortable. I looked over at the doctor as she leaned against the counter with the tiniest smile on her face, making me look at her in confusion because I was curious to know why she was give me that tiny smile. I used to bed to help me slowly rise to my feet as I knew it was time for me to go, my guard needed to hurry back so I can get the hell away from this crazy bitch and whatever was going through her head right now... maybe she's bipolar. 

"You're gonna be the one that changes him..." She said suddenly, making me look at her in confusion. "He always did liked big butts." She laughed and it was rather shocking to me that she was talking to me this way right now. 

"What do you mean... change him?" I asked with curiosity peeking through the tone of my voice. 

"Ha, you didn't always think he was this reserved and sweet, did you?" She said, looking at me like I was delirious... maybe I am. "He used to fuck anything until he got chlamydia from one of the men that he fucked. Came in crying cause his dick wouldn't stop burning." She chuckled, making me look at her in disbelief that she was saying this right now. "What? I can talk shit, he's my sister's baby father."  Wait... what?

Prison Bait: Kiden: BreatheWhere stories live. Discover now