Chaptet33: back to good

Start from the beginning

Lloyd shook his head, disappointed after looking at that image. "who would ever do that to someone?" He questioned. Walking a little, he then saw another version of his past self fighting a four armed man. "Why? am I fighting him?" Lloyd asked as he watched. He was clearly losing, His thoughts were interrupted.

Past Lloyd forced himself up again and looked around, unable to see his father. Suddenly, two hands grabbed the front of his gi and held him in the air. Lloyd found himself staring into his father's eyes. "You wouldn't hurt me," he said. "Your son."

Garmadon's grip tightened. "I have no son." He broke the truth to him. Lloyd looked into Garmadon's glowing red eyes pleadingly. He saw himself being thrown and slammed into four different walls. Through the night air and face down into the sand, enough to knock the breath out of his lungs.

"How terrible." Lloyd bitterly thought. "Who would do this honestly?" He felt sad. As he walked, he saw so many memories. There was one of him when he was older with three other ninjas. Weird.

He got curious and walked over. He saw the man was in the warehouse and he looked angry. "I AM HERE! NOW GIVE ME MY SON!" he commanded. It was silent, until: "so you want your pathetic son back?" Bizzaro Kai questioned. As he, Cole, and Jay Bizzaro came out of the shadows. The man did not lose the mad expression on his face as they surrounded him. "He Is not pathetic! How dare you! give him back to me or I'll make you wish you had!" He threatened. Fake cole laughed. "Excuse me? You're not that threatening!" He told him. He sighed. "I don't care if I'm not. You better not have harmed my son." he told them crossing his arms. Jay rolled his eyes. As he kicked The young green ninja, to him. He was tied up, and had a gag around his mouth.

The man gasped but rolled his eyes. "You better not come after my son again!" He gave them one final warning as he grabbed his son then walked out. Lloyd sighed. Who was that guy? He looked familiar. As he continued to walk. When he saw a green figure being ejected from a waterfall. Lloyd was thrown from the waterfall. "There he is." Cole said as they looked up and saw Lloyd, falling down. "Lloyd!" Wu chimed, seeing him fall down. Luckily, Jay caught him. "You guys- Rumi is the Quiet One." Lloyd told them, out of breath. "We kind of got that much." Kai told them. Crabby confronts them. They all ran away from the crab. "What is that?" Killow asked. Lloyd looked at harumi who nodded, it's back. When they they were fighting with the crab. "Over here!" Zane called. Ultra Violet, "We have to get you out of here, Quiet One." prioritized her boss's safety over everything. The ninjas were fighting. Harumi shook her head. "Not without the masks." she denied. As they leave on the Bounty, Zane freezes Crabby.

Lloyd kept looking at the images. He came across a green figure falling from a grappling hook malfunction. He saw the figure land and become unconscious. "Uh no!" The white haired girl from before cried. As she rushed over, A huge tall man and a robot followed over. The man grabbed his past self's hand, checking for a pulse. "Is he okay?" The girl questioned. The big man, set his hand down. "He's fine. He's just unconscious. He will be fine." he concluded. The girl breathed a sigh of relief. When she noticed that something was off. "What is it?" The big man questioned her.

"We are too out in the open. We should find somewhere to hide until Lloyd wakes up." she instructed. As the blonde on the ground groaned. The big man agreed. As he scooped up the boy into his arms, "Okay let's go." The girl told him. As they all ran. Soon it changed into another environment, like a shack or something. He saw the white haired girl kicked down the door and they walked in. "I think we would be safe here." Killow sighed in assurance. "Okay well, let's find somewhere to put Lloyd." Killow nodded finding a mattress in which the big man seated him down. Harumi sighed. As he kissed Lloyd and they headed out.

"What happened there?" The current Lloyd asked. As more images appeared. He then saw his past self in a cage on a rooftop. Memories started to come back to him. He gasped, Oh no, he remembered that was the night....he turned evil. Everything made so much sense now as he watched the interaction. Soon his past self let out a scream and passed out. It then passed to him with red eyes fighting the resistance, he gasped as he saw himself use a blade to hurt harumi. For he cut harumi in the chest. "L-loyd? How could you?!" She wailed in pain. His past self smiled. Seeing all of this happen, the blonde couldn't help but start to cry. He couldn't believe he hurt harumi. He was a monster, a monster. The next showed what happened earlier. Harumi killed him.

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