Garmadon stepped closer to his son. "In fact, according to some reports from the patrolling guards, we don't have to look rather hard to find the members." He claimed victoriously head-on. Did the Oni lord not know about karma?
Lloyd nodded in understanding, he can always trust what the guards say for he has seen tenir reports happen before his eyes a few times when he caught some fresh air around there. "There's one team that is composed of two members at the moment." The man told Lloyd, in which the boy gave him wide eyes and a slight smile. "But father, it's only two people, we don't need to organize a whole-" he was cut off by the black-coded emperor. "Pathetic right? But apparently, their sense of strategy is quite brilliant." Lloyd only looked at his father, curiosity washing over him. "Who are these people?"

"I'll tell you our plan and their identities. Listen carefully." Garmadon leaned his head to reach the blonde boy's ear. The boy simply sighed and prepared to listen to whatever his father had to say about this whole operation. Though seriously, his father has already crowded the people with fear. Why is there such a resistance going around? Did these people not understand that his father was the most powerful being in Ninjago at the moment? He had all the control, there were no possibilities of him being dethroned. If that was the case, he'd be recrowned very quickly. The dark lord whispered slowly into the boy's ear a bit of information about their master plan. When he pulled away however,
"Eh? Um...sorry about that, I didn't quite get it." Lloyd apologized.

Garmadon repeated what he said, only to have Lloyd show a confused expression. "What? Sorry, I still didn't get it." He apologized once more.
The man tilted his head with a small smile. "Like I said.." he started and recollected himself to repeat the information for the third time. "Pst...psttt....psst...pstttttttttt.." The boy wasn't at all amused by the buzzing noises being heard in his ear, he had a small bothered expression. Lloyd stopped his father there. "U-Um...sorry sorry, I can hear you. But all you're saying is: 'psst psst'. " he mentioned much to his father's amusement. Was he taking this seriously or not? "Do you mind telling me proper-" was cut off by his father backing away from him. This time, when he spoke, he spoke clearly and calmly, recovering from his small laugh just there. "Antonia and Nelson. Those are the members of the resistance we're after. As for the plan, I have a little set up in mind. I'll explain on the way."
The green ninja walked down the remaining steps to be completely out of the building. From there, he spotted two guards waiting for him by outdoors with their motorcycles parked. Lloyd turned his attention to them, he had a serious expression on his face along with a clean green gi on him. This was apart of their plan- well his father's plan specifically. "I assume you're the guards my father sent for this operation?" He looked down on the two lower rank guards.
It was Luke Cunningham and Mohawk. The two punks turned their glances at Lloyd, who had just arrived. The latter stopped learning on the side of the building and nodded, uninterested at the mission in general.

"Yeah, so are you ready to do this? Or do you need encouragements from your dear papa?" Mohawk mocked the green ninja. Though the blonde didn't let himself get intimidated by someone like him, someone with such a low position in the organization. "I'll have you reported to my father for bad behaviour. It isn't tolerated here, dishrag. So pull yourself together." Lloyd warned. Mohawk simply whistled in astonishment, a small smirk formed on the guard's lips as Luke watch the scene unfold before his very eyes. "I was merely kidding there, Lloyd. I wouldn't want to test you nor your father's legendary temper." Mohawk apologized- not even the word apologized could define what he had just said right now. He didn't feel sorry nor threatened by the higher-up. He just wanted to mess with him, that's all. But oh poor him, having to hang around people who can't take a hint at his clowning.

"In the reports, it is said that our targets are situated in the 15th avenue. I'm assuming everyone is ready to go there?" The captain of the operation assumed confirmation from the two guards. Mohawk and Luke nodded until,
"Are your contacts in?" Mohawk, once again asked a ridiculous question.
Lloyd was starting to lose his patience with this, he got closed to Mohawk, widening his eyes. His eyes were clearly a shade of emerald, like his father intended. "What does it look like? You think they'll fall off?" He inquired strictly.
Luke shrugged, answering for his comrade. "Perhaps sir. It is always possible. Mohawk here just wanted to make sure. For your safety, I mean." He spoke.
The green ninja simply huffed and began running off.

Reconciled hearts: a season9(Lloyrumi story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن