Part 9-I wont ever let you go

Comincia dall'inizio

"Beautiful." I muttered to which she snapped in my direction

" I muttered to which she snapped in my direction

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"What?" She asked confused "Uh - nothing

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"What?" She asked confused
"Uh - nothing." I said

For a while we sat there in complete silence appreciating the lake's beauty while having conflicted thoughts in mind
"By the way park jimin , i mean jimin.. i wanted to thank you for everything.You took my case and didnt even ask a single penny for me and above all you fought against your parents and your friend. I am forever grateful to you, i dont know how i ll pay you but sometime in life i definitely will an-." She was about to complete but i did something that this time took her by surprise..
i planted a gentle kiss on her lips making her pause and confuse ..

she looked deep into my eyes as if trying to find some answer
"Do you know your eyes are just like the lake here,they have these lovely waves and they glisten too just like how the lake waves are glistening under the impact of moonlight." I said as i held her chin bringing her lips in position with mine " you dont have to worry about paying me or anything.i just want one thing from you." I spoke as i held her chin high and planted a kiss on it, "you wanna know what it is?" I spoke again as i planted another kiss on her nose

I could hear her heartbeat go fast as her breath hitched
I planted another kiss on her forehead before finally looking back into her eyes

"Can you return my feelings?" I asked staring deeply into her soul , a single tear escaped her lips as she stared back
"I am so-." I was about to say as she cut me off ny placing her lips on mine..
I smiled against her eyes as i embraced her with strong arms not letting her go...
her lips tasted really sweet, i wanted to melt within her...

I wont ever let you go ...

We broke the kiss for a while to catch our breaths

"Come live with me and i ll make life best for you , i ll give you everything , everything that your life has been missing..and noone noone will touch you again, i will never let something like that happen to you again." I said between the breaths as i saw tears rolling down her cheeks before continuing ..
" and if anyone ever saw you with dirty eyes , i swear i ll snatch out his eyeballs.. y/n come to me , i want you to feel love , life has given you alot of pain now its time for you to feel some love, trust me and come with me , and i promise i ll shower so much love on you , so much love that all your pain will get washed away." I stopped as i wiped off her tears
"Its too much of pain now, come and experience happiness with me , you will no more be touched for one's satisfaction or revenge , now you ll be only touched by love." I finished as she nodded , tears still trickling down her cheeks...
" th-."
"Shh you dont have to say anything." I shut her up as i landed my lips again on hers to which she responded passionately ..

( so let me loooooovvvwweee you , let me love , let me love you...serendipity plays in background )

A bonus for all of you

Soo guys Case ends here What do you think?? Good or bad ??Interesting or not??

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Soo guys
Case ends here
What do you think??
Good or bad ??
Interesting or not??

Now i ll start the Next case in next chapter
Who's case it will be??.... umm well you ll have to tune in to see...
Why ruin your suspense right??

Also, anyone playing BTS WORLD??

Share your reviews and dont forget to vote
Shabiha. ❤️

THE TRUTH UNTOLD (BTS FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora