Plan B

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"Where are you?"

The two ghostly figures descended on unto the ground.

Other than the fact that they were dead, Copper and Agate did not change.

They stood side by side and looked around.

Copper, with his shoulder length hair the color of bark, looked like he just cracked a joke, with his cherry lips tugged on both ends to form a silly grin. His blood-red eyes twinkled with mischief.

And Agate, his partner, his twin, his closest ally, was next to him, grinning as well. Looking like she just laughed at a joke his brother made just for her. The last rays of the sun were caught in her golden hair, causing it to look like a waterfall of flame.

Their eyes swept the landscape.

Betty stood a few feet in front of them, motionless. She held her scythe loosely in one hand, staring at her creator in awe. Despite that... they did not seem to be similar in any way.

Rin staggered away from them quickly, making her way towards Kody and Shane, whose legs were bags of stones.

"It's you." Betty whispered, seemingly forgetting her objective of mass murder.

"I did what you wanted, creator." Betty said as she humbly bowed low. "Aren't you proud of me?"

Betty looked up hopefully, scanning Agate's face for any sign of approval.

But Agate did not even acknowledge her.

The twins continued to look around... as if they were looking for something.

"Where are you? Amber?" They repeated.

Betty was rattled by this. Her face contorted into a confused look. Clearly, she had expected a different reaction. "Creator... I have done what you have asked me to do. Did I do well?"

"Why isn't she answering?" Copper wondered, still oblivious to the person in front of them.

"I don't know." said Agate with a tone of worry.

"Creator... I have followed every instruction you gave me... Are my deeds to your satisfaction?" Betty asked again, her words trembling with impatience.

"Amber?" Agate called, ignoring Betty yet again.

"Why are you calling her?" Betty snarled, outraged.

Her pink eyes flashed dangerously. Her hair glowed full-on pink.

Kody, Shane and Rin flinched. Not once have they ever seen Betty like this.

But now they have.

"She's gone. You made sure of that, creator. Why look for her when I'm here?"

Shane's ears perked up.

"What did she just say?"

He sensed something.

In Betty's words.

Was that...

Dissapointment? Sadness?

The mere fact that Betty displaced something other than hate and cold blood made Shane's eyes go wide.

The faint, familiar emotion he had heard sound was pain & hesitation.

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