Little girl

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Shortly after the cathedral doors closed, Kody collapsed in his chair. Internally fan-girling.

So did Mila, Rin and Shane.

"Wish I could be there to see how it goes." Kody sighed. "But, I fear that I will end up as a third-wheel."

Rin chuckled. "You're always the thirdwheel, Kody."

They laughed for a while.

Shane sighed. "I bet the twins would've rounded us up so we could follow them by now.

Mila glanced at the floor.

"Yeah... I wonder how it'll go."


The first line of trees loomed before them. They were tall and dark, making them look as sinister as ever.  The thick layer of branches covered the night sky, letting only a few streaks of light pass through

A cold wind blew through them, making their leaves rustle.

They could still hear it.

Heart-broken sobbing.

The ground beneath them was soft and slippery, making it hard to walk fast.

They walked together, both of them only acutely aware they were holding each other's hand.

"It's so dark..." muttered Roy

Ellie, in response, held out her free hand. A glowing, blue orb appeared, casting a bright light through the trees.

"Huh. What'cha know. That worked."

Ellie led the way, towards the sound.

The the deeper they go into the woods... the darker and darker it got.

Something nagged at the back of Roy's head.

'Those sobs are meant to be silent.' He thought. 'How can we hear silent sobbing from a mile away? How come the volume of the sound is constant despite us heading it's direction?'

He dismissed the thought. There was someone in need of help. Besides, once Ellie puts her mind to something, she won't stop.

They kept going until finally, the space between the trunks increased.
The trees parted to reveal a clearing.

A lone, birch tree stood in the middle, its graceful white branches reaching out to the sky.

And at the foot of the tree, was the source of the sound. A little girl, all by herself.

Moonlight shone on sky blue hair. Tainted with a dull brown.

Moonlight shone on the green dress they always knew.

Moonlight shone on the long skirt now torn.

A few feet away, was the heart-broken, shaking figure of Amber Lightvale.

"Oh my gods." Ellie said, her voice barely audible.

"Amber." Roy said in disbelief.

"Amber!" Ellie exclaims.

They run towards her.

They embrace her. She shivered, she sobbed.

"It's alright." Ellie said, now crying.

She shivered, she sobbed.

"You're safe now. Calm down." Roy says, his voice barely above a whisper.

She shivered. She sobbed.

"There's no need to cry! We're for you. Please stop crying." Ellie said.

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