What came to be

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The seventh day of the funeral.

The tension in the air was suffocating. The atmosphere was gloomy. 

Everyone tried not to acknowledge it...

But their attempts were in vain.

All of them can see the grave and pained looks of the wizards, now reduced to five.

Kody Fallenfire (integrity wizard) bless his soul, tried to make everyone feel better by cracking jokes, and doing small talk, but even he knew his attempts were in vain.

Mila Rutrow (kindness wizard) half-heartedly greeted visitors who went in and out.

Rin and Ellie Winterway, (with Rin as the patience wizard) the usually cheerful sisters, talked to each other quietly in one corner.

And the prince, Roy Goldburn (Justice wizard) sat in silence, face buried in his hands.

Everyone looked up as the huge oak doors of the cathedral opened slowly.

Shane Goldburn (Perseverance) went in silently.

"Brother." Roy said relieved. He stood up out of his chair. He went to Shane and hugged him.

"Hello to you too, Roy. I hope you've been doing well." Shane said a bit worried.

Roy shook his head sadly. "It caught us all off guard. I don't think anyone is doing well."

Roy looks up to  examine his brother's face and sighs.

"Though from the looks of it, you haven't been doing well either."

Mila walked toward them, a kind smile on her face.

"Hello, Shane." She said, bowing low.

Shane bowed in return.

"It's the first time you're here." Mila stated as they slowly made their way to the two coffins.

"I'm sorry I could not come any sooner. Though, that might not be right of me to say, because..." Shane trailed off.

He examined the Lightvale twins.

They looked like they were in so much peace; almost like they decided to rest and were going to wake up any second.

But they won't.

Copper, with his shoulder length hair the color of bark, looked like he was about to crack a joke, but his cherry lips were now pale.

And Agate, his partner, his twin, his closest ally, lay next to him, in another coffin. She also looked like she was about to grin. To laugh at a joke his brother made just for her. But oh, her golden locks were now a bright shade... of pink. Her hair was found pink when her body had been discovered. She wouldn't dye it pink. She says it's too girly. Unless the killer, that sadistic evil idiot, decided to dye her hair pink.

Shane sighed deeply. "They were our best friends... our allies. We-we should've..."

He did nothing to stop the tears trailing down his face.

Roy hugged his brother. "Brother, don't cry. They don't need pity. Besides, I don't think they would like you to mourn their deaths."

Shane nodded, wiping the tears away.

Mila comforted Shane too.

From afar, Rin and Ellie Winterway observed them, and for the millionth time, wondered how Roy could be the eldest. Despite Shane being about half a foot taller.

"It's sad seeing them like this." Rin sighed.

"I know." Said Ellie

"Who could have ever predicted this...? If somebody told me what was to happen about a week ago, I would have laughed." Rin states.

Ellie looked down nervously. "What could possibly defeat the determination and bravery wizard...? And what does it want...?"

They stay silent once more.

Meanwhile, Kody went up to Mila, saying something about the cathedral doors being too creaky.

"Excuse me," said Mila

Roy took the chance to pull his brother away and asked in a grave voice,

"Did you find Amber?"

Shane shook his head. "Our troops found nothing. We've scoured the entire country. Not even a trace of Amber Lightvale."

Shane looked at his brother and asked, "What now?"

Roy winced and gave it a thought.

"It's been seven days..." he said, holding back the tears.

He bottled his emotions up and held his head high, and spoke.

"Seven days. And no trace of Amber. If she were alive, she could've gone to us."

Shane looked at his brother, heart-broken and in a bit of disbelief.

"Amber Lightvale is either abducted, or dead."

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