Ch.22 The Boy With The Box

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I sat in a chair in the art room. It was art club and I started to paint the new banner for the seniors dance next weekend. I saw Ren throw up her hands in frustration.

"I forgot the rest of the supplies! I just got here!" she yelled at herself.

I sighed and stood up. "I'll get the rest of the supplies, you just work on this." I said motioning at the unfinished banner.

"Are you sure?" she asked getting up.

"Yeah it's fine," I said and left to fetch the supplies before she could say any more.

I found the box and walked down the hall to the art room. As I opened the door, I saw the boys playing some stupid game. I shook my head and shut the door. I was lost in thought as something fell onto me. I fell to the ground, the supplies in the box spilling everywhere. I stared at the mess, and glared at the boys.

"Watch what you are doing! You need to calm down and act like young adults! You all need to quit playing around! We have a project now work on it!" I snarled as I gathered up the scattered supplies. The boys looked terrified and I had a scowl.

Mr.Z started to laugh, " Remind me never to get on her bad side."

I gazed over at him. "I'll remind you something, you're an adult, right? So start acting like it."

He chuckled. "Why act when it's easier to be myself?"

I gave him a death glare. "Why? Because some kids mature way before their time and it's because of the adults who can't grow up." I lifted the box and walked to the working station. As I walked away I stated,"That's why Mr.Z, that's why."

I came to the table with the banner, and sat the box gently on the floor. I sighed, "Here's the supplies." She reached into the box and pulled out a paintbrush.

"Thank you Camie," Ren said with a smile. I slumped until the chair and began to paint again.

I realized some of it was finished. "Did you paint some?" I asked observing the strokes.

She nodded," I thought I might paint a little. It's a thank you present for always working so hard."

I smiled," Thanks Ren."

As we worked on the project we heard a scream from the other room. I ran towards it on instinct while Ren sat petrified and confused. I threw the door open. "What the hell is going on?!" I yelled narrowing my eyes at the boys.

They all circled around something,but jumped at my sudden appearance. I heard whimpering from the circle they had created. I narrowed my eyes. "What are you guys doing?" I asked sternly. They stood dumbfounded.

Caine opened his mouth to speak but shut it and pointed at the middle of the circle. I marched to them and looked at the floor. There lied a little boy with a box. He sobbed and clutched the box tightly. He had to be at least eight years old. I sighed and knelt down.

"I'm sorry about these guys, they don't know anything about personal space," I said glaring at them. They took it as a sign and stepped back. I smiled as the boy looked up at me. "Where did you come from?" I asked.

He sniffed and tried to smile," What's your name?"

I was taken aback. "My name? I'm Camillia Bates but these weirdos call me Camie."

He clutched the box tighter looking at the floor."That's a pretty name," he said.

He stayed in the same position, gripping the box as if he let go it would disappear. " Can you tell me your name?" I asked.

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