Ch.6 You Over Come the Hardships to Grow Stronger

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All I've thought of since then was what I heard.

" Could she be the one? The next Tiress?"

What could that mean? And what the hell's a Tiress? I haven't told or asked anyone about what I heard. My parents wouldn't know, they would probably think I was hearing things again. I don't want that to happen. I could ask Ray or James, but I don't know if they'd have the information I need. I've looked it up on the Internet, but that was a down fall. All that came up was a myth and pictures of some young woman.

I couldn't figure out who's voice that was either. Its been driving me insane. I should ask the boys, surely they'd know what was going on, right?

I know they're hiding something. After the sleep over, they would look at me as if I was a child that needed care, even Caine and Greg. I'm not a child! And they've been very protective. That's been going for about a month! Really?!I should ask. Maybe I shouldn't.

I looked at the river in the woods. It's fall so the view was amazing.I'm so stressed out and confused, and I found this place not too long ago. In the woods near the house I found a path. I followed it and it led to a rock like cliff over looking the beautiful river.

I sighed, and got up to go to Ray's house. I need answers, and he might have it.


I knocked on the door. No one answered. I looked at the driveway, I saw a new car. Who could that be? "Ray, Caine, Grandma T ?" I yelled. This is strange. I went out back and tried that door. It was unlocked. I went through.

"Ray?....Caine?....Grand-" I was cut off and was pinned to the ground. "Ow, What the heck!"

I looked at what pinned me down."Hi my little flower! Guess who!?"

I should've known," Hi Caine, why am I pinned down? Why did no one answered the door? And who's car is outside?"

"Wow, just full of questions huh?" Caine said mockingly.

" Yeah and I want answers," I shot back.

He got off me and helped me up. " I have answers," Caine started," I'm sorry I pinned you down I was just so excited to tell you!" He got all cheery like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Tell me what?"I asked frustrated.

"You saw that car outside right?" he asked happily.

" Yeah and?"

" That car, is my new car! I got my drivers license!"

I stood there, straight faced.

" I was hoping for an happier or excited face," Caine said sadly.

" That is SO FREAKIN COOL!" I said giggly.

" I know! And the great thing is I can drive us to school!" he said happily.

I stopped," What?"

" I can drive you to school! Isn't it great? You won't have to ride the bus," Caine said.

" Okay that does sound great, but why didn't anyone answer the door?"

He stopped and got serious. " I'm sorry. Grandma T was out, and Ray- no there's no excuse. I'm sorry." Caine said softly.

"What? What's wrong? Caine, is everything all right?"

He looked like he had done something wrong. He looked down at me and smiled. He hugged me and he whispered into my ear, "No nothing's wrong, everything's ok." I didn't say anything, just hugged him back.

My Wierd AbilitiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora