Ch.9 The Gathering

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So about Ren being fine about everyone meeting, Yeah big miscalculation. She was a nervous wreck! I would calm her down, but she wouldn't stay calm very long.How would she be able to meet Caine and Greg? They would scare her to death.

We were packing up for band, and I walked with Ren to have her calm down.

" Ren are you ok?" James asked coming up behind us.

" I'm fine," she said.

" Are you sure? You look really nervous,"Ray noted walking beside us.

"Yes I'm fine," she said weakly. I could tell neither of them were convinced.

We sat in our spot near the door, and the boys wouldn't shut up about this evening. I can tell they weren't helping Ren at all. The bell rang, and we started to walk down the hall to the art room.

" You'll love art club! It's really fun, and you can let go and relax!" I said trying to cheer her up.

"I can't wait!" she said excitingly, but I can tell she was struggling.

" There's no reason to be nervous," Ray said looking over at Ren.

"Yeah you'll be fine, and I promise my parents won't be too weird," James said trying to help Ren.

"I'm sorry's just....I've never had real friends so... at first it seemed to be a great idea then....I got....... nervous," she explained.

We walked in silence until we were near our lockers. " Wait here you guys," James said running forwards his locker. Ray ran after him. Ren and I stood there for about five minutes until they showed up.

" What were you two doing?" I asked.

"What could possibly take that long," Ren asked. Ray stood beside me, and James held out something in his hand. Ren's eyes went wide.

" I-Is that for me?" she asked.

James nodded his head. " Since you're nervous about our parents meeting and all, I was hoping this would cheer you up," he explained.

She grabbed the gift from James's hand and held it up. My eyes went wide. It was a necklace like the one Ray have me, except instead of the Goku symbol it was The turtle sign.

" I love it! It's from Dragon ball! " she said putting it on. "Thank you!" she started then she looked at me and saw my necklace," It's kind of like Camie's necklace, so you guys gave her one too?"

They looked at each other. " Yeah we did, because she was nervous like you were," Ray explained.

" Well let's go! I can't wait to meet Caine and Greg," she said happily walking towards the art room.

"Well her attitude changed quickly," I mumbled.

"Didn't your attitude change too when I gave you that necklace?" Ray questioned.

"I guess you're right," I said and started walking to the art room too.

I walked through the door first I only to be hugged by Greg. " Hana! It's great to see you!" he said excitingly.

"It's great to see you too Greg, but I saw you this morning," I stated.

" GREG LET GO OF HER!" Ray and James yelled at him. He let me go and went to sulk in a corner.

Then I heard Caine come out of a room in the back. " My little flower! How was today?" he asked walking to me.

"Fine," I said shrugging. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ren wasn't here.

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