Ch.20 A Week of Sun Sea and Weirdos

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The wind blew my hair away from my face, causing me to throw my hood up. I looked out to the horizon, the sea was smooth and people walked by in bathing suits. What was I doing? Sitting on a towel, under an umbrella. In a hoody and shorts mind you.

" What are you doing?" Ren's voice came from beside me.

I looked up at her with a 'really' face. "What does it look like? I'm sitting."

"We'll, that's no fun," she huffed sitting beside me.

"Yeah you should enjoy the beach!" James said. Him and Ray walked towards the umbrella.

"And what's up with the hoodie and shorts?" Caine asked popping out of no where.

"I put them on," I said flatly.

"But why?" He asked standing by Ray.

"Because I found them in my bag." They didn't look pleased with my answer.

"Hana you should wear a swimsuit," Greg said walking up beside Caine."I think you'd look cute!"

"Yeah and besides where is your swim suit?" James asked.

"I'm wearing it underneath this," I said pulling on my hoodie.

"Then why wear the hoodie?" Ren asked.

I sighed," I don't feel comfortable walking around in a bathing suit with people around. You know I'm not sociable, and I don't like the idea of being stared at."

They looked at each other, confused. "But... Ren is wearing a swim suit," Caine pointed out.

"You should wear one like that!" Greg said. I looked at Ren's swimsuit. It was a white bikini with red polka dots in it.

"No," I said turning to look back at the sea.

"Aww why not?" Caine said poking my cheek. I swatted his hand away.

"First that's a bikini, second it's girly, and third..." I trailed off.

"And third?" Greg asked.

"I don't want to."

" Oh come on! We came to enjoy the sea, and you should be thankful for the time we have here," Ray lectured.

"Yeah and how did I end up here anyway? I should be at home," I grumbled. Then I remembered how.

~Flash Back~

" Camillia dear, come down here! We have guests!" Mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned and turned over.

"It's the first day of spring break. Why can't I sleep in?" I mumbled. I got up half asleep, and stumbled down the stairs in my pajamas.

"Okay who's here?" I growled walking to the kitchen table. I flopped down and gave a glare. I'm not sure who at though.

"Camillia that's no way to welcome a friend," my dad scolded looking above the newspaper he had. Friend? Who's here? I looked sleepily at the figure across from me.

"Good morning! I see you're always bright and early."

Wait,"Caine? Why are you here?"

"I was hoping for a better response, maybe a hug or a kiss?"

"Not a chance," I said.

"What about me Hana? Can I get a hug or a kiss?" Greg said.

"Good morning Greg. I won't give you a kiss but you can have a hug," I said.

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