Ch. 27 Time's Running Out

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I woke up to a loud crash and cursing. I sprang to my feet although I was still half asleep. Ray had ahold of Troy's collar, the bars keeping them apart.

Troy turned to me with a smirk. "Good morning. Ready to help us with a job?"

"We're not helping you," Ray spat.

"You could calm down some, I'm supposed to lead you to the cafeteria for breakfast," Troy informed.

I walked to them and patted Ray's shoulder. "Let go, it's fine."

He looked hesitant, but slowly released his grip taking a step back away from the bars. Troy straightened the collar of his shirt with a scowl. Ray gladly returned the gesture.

"If you'd like follow me for something to eat. We are not savages here I hope you know. I'm willing to put my trust in you and get you some food," Troy said flatly. He opened the door and twirled the ring of keys around his index finger.

Ray stepped out of the cell while dragging me closely behind him. I saw Troy shake his head slightly as he opened his office door. We followed him as he walked through the maze of hallways. I peeked through many windows and doors to see odd machinery, boards with information, and few people in white lab coats.

Not very many people worked in this large building, which sparked an interest for me. Why would they need a huge place if their organization had very few people?

We walked into a spacious room with tables scattered everywhere. I assume we've made it to the cafeteria where everyone eats.

"Sit somewhere and I'll get you food," Troy ordered.

Ray led me to a table in the corner of the room. He sat across from me, silently. I couldn't read what was going through his head, but it obviously was something bad. I could tell by the look in his eyes that he thought of something unpleasant.

Troy came back with two trays full of food. He set them in front of us, grumbling about something. I looked at the food to see the same bacon, eggs, and a glass of milk.

"Let me guess, leftovers?" I grumbled as I poked the pile of eggs.

"Observant aren't we?" He said with a smirk.

"What did you do to it?" Ray growled.

"Nothing. Damn you two are so alike," he stated as he straightened up. "I'm going to check on some things. There are guards at each door so escaping is out of the question." He walked off without another word.

I took a bite of bacon as Ray glared at his tray. "It's not poisoned," I informed taking another bite.

Ray lost his glare and took a deep breath. He hesitantly picked up his fork and ate a mouthful of eggs. "There's one thing off about this," he stated.

"They want us both so I assume they found out about your powers somehow."

"What about you? Still have no idea what you did with that wolf?"

I shook my head. There was a pause. "What are we going to do?"

It was barely a whisper but Ray had heard it. He sighed and scratched his head. "No clue honestly. They took my phone and weapons leaving me with no contact outside. We have no idea where the gang is other then they made it out because of your wolf. I'm at a loss for ideas."

"You know we could try to escape, these guards aren't very tough."

Ray scoffed. "Says you, I beat up half of them. And my leg still hurts from that one dudes punch!"

"Keep it down in there!" a guard shouted.

We flinched but Ray had a smirk on his face.

"Can't you ever just smile?" I asked finishing the last of my milk.

My Wierd AbilitiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon