Ch.19 Everything's Okay For Now

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I woke up to the sound of a heart monitor. It had a steady beat. I looked around and the walls were all white. Was I in the hospital? I looked to my right and saw Ray sleeping in a chair beside my bed. His upper torso laid on my bed and his head was on top his hands. I could see James sleeping on a couch across the room. What happened?

I tried to speak but nothing came out. Ray must've felt me move because his eyes fluttered open, and he groaned. He went to stretch but stopped once he saw me. "Camie? Camie! You're awake!" He tried to give me a hug, and looked at me.

" How long have you two been here?" I managed to croak out.

He gave a soft smile. " Well, you've been out cold for a day now.. so about a day and a half."

"You stayed the entire time?" I asked shocked.

"Yes," was his short answer.

"Why didn't you go home or at least come visit now and then?"

"We were worried and everyone else had to go home. Except Caine, he could've stayed but that guy said to give him 'updates' and walked off," Ray explained angrily. I chuckled but it came out weak.

" You guys are the best," I whispered more to myself.

"What was that Camie?" he asked coming out of his angry fit.

"Nothing important." He rubbed his head confused but I just laid there on the bed with a small smile on my face.

After a couple seconds of silence Ray spoke up. "Camie, I've been meaning to get this off my chest." His gaze turned to his feet. I waited patiently. "I just wanted you to know that I..I....I." His cheeks were tinted red.

"Ray you can tell me anything, it's the least I can do for you since you've helped me," I said still waiting for what he was going to say.

He took in a deep breath and looked me in the eyes. " Camie I-"

"Hey! You're awake! That's a relief," he was cut off by James finally waking up. Ray gave him a pissed off look and saw my anxious face, from what Ray was going to say. "Bad timing?" he questioned. I chuckled and saw Ray roll his eyes.

James got up and walked to the side of my bed. "So how ya feeling?" He asked me as he sat at the foot of my bed.

"Okay mostly, except for the pounding headaches I have, and the pain that comes when I tense up." He nodded understandingly.

" We should tell the others you're awake now, especially Mr.Z. He's worried the most," Ray stated.

I clenched my hand into a fist. "Today is Sunday, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," they said together.

"What did the doctor say about my condition? Will I be able to go to school tomorrow?"

They looked at each other and laughed. " You think you can go to school after all that? You will at least be in here for another day, so they can check on you easily," James said.

I slouched down causing the pain to come back for a split second. "I hate hospitals, and you guys know that," I spat.

They shrugged. " The doctor's orders, we have no say in this," Ray said.

"However we can come by before and after school to visit, so how's that? Sound good?" James asked me.

I nodded," That'd be great!"

The doctor soon came in after that, telling us my condition. "I have to stay here for two more days!?" I asked throwing my head onto the pillow. My headache grew worse.

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