I rode down the sidewalks of the streets meticulously, and let the wind blow my face. I didn't have any music on Webster, so I listened to the music from other vehicles and the sounds of nature when I went down quiet streets. I thought nothing could go wrong today.

      Then I hit California Street.

     California Street was a really long street built along a really big incline. I didn't understand how it was mathematically or geometrically possible for a road to be placed on such a sharp elevation and decline. Webster could drive it okay, but he had to increase in his acceleration.

     I reached the top, but I failed to slow down, and started speeding down the hill like a freight train. My hair slipped from under the helmet that binded it down and blew furiously in the wind. I could tell this wasn't going to end well. The incline at the bottom would shatter Webster's front axle, and I won't have a pretty face when everything's done.

        Suddenly, I heard the honk of what sounded like a very luxurious car next to mine. I turned to look, and could barely make out the driver. He yelled at me, but I couldn't hear him, "What?!"

        He yelled again, but Webster's engine still made the sound inaudible. I replied, "What?!"

        Then the unexpected happened, the driver swerved his car and almost hit me! I jerked Webster into the grass of the hill and was thrown from the seat. I felt my body collide with the ground and my face tasted the grass.

        "Oww," I groaned lightly in the dirt and swore in my head. Great, just great. On my first day of school, I crash Webster and now I'm gonna be late! So much for making the best of the last first day of high school.

        "Hey! Are you okay," the voice of concern asked me. I looked up and I could not believe who I was looking at. The face of an angel, the body of a god, the voice of a saint, and the popularity of a deity. I blushed lightly, but dropped my face back in the dirt and pretended to groan in pain. He had lovely dirty blonde locks of hair and a prairie of green eyes. A sight of pure perfection. 

        "I-I'm fine," he took the liberty to help me up, and helped me brush off my clothes. Lucky me, everything was unscathed. Everything, except for Webster. I immediately ran over to his resting place and bawled, "Aww man, my scooter! This is great! Fucking great," he was totaled. Parts of him were everywhere and there was no way possible he was being towed or working again.

        "Uh, is everything alright," my savior pondered.

        "No! Everything is not alright! My scooter is ruined! How am I supposed to get to school now?!"

        There was an awkward silence, but it was eventually broken by a sigh and words, "If you want, I guess I could give you a lift."

        I nearly wanted to explode when he offered to give me a ride to school. Can you imagine? Me, Liam Jenkins, getting a ride to school on the first day, by Gabriel Knight?! The most popular guy at Livingston High School. Voted Most Athletic, Most Likely to Succeed, and Best Dressed out of the entire school! The entire school! And get a ride to school from him! Okay, play it cool Liam. Be cool, "Oh really?! Thanks man!"

        I felt like I came off as too excited.

        Unstrapping my bicycle helmet, I whipped my black hair out from being underneath it for so long and ran a hand through it. Then from my shirt pocket, I pulled out a set of frames, "Finally, I can see."

        "Great. Now that Velma found her glasses, we can be on our way. What school do you go to," he asked. It was a little heartbreaking he never noticed me in the halls, but it's whatever. And did he really compare to Velma from Scooby-Doo? REALLY?! So much for "Most Likely to Succeed".

        "Livingston High. It's right down this road," why'd I say that? He knows where it is.

        "Oh cool, we go to the same school," once again, never noticed me in the halls. I nodded in false amazement, but it soon turned into real amazement as soon as I eyeballed his vehicle. I didn't know about cars, but the fancy writing on the back said it was a "Stingray"! It was sleek, shiny, black, and glistened in the sunlight. My amazement didn't end with the leather interior either.

        I hopped in the passenger seat and clicked my seatbelt, "Safety first!"

        A small frown came on his face and he replied, "Right," clicking his seatbelt in the process. He started driving from where he pulled over. Maroon 5 started playing on the radio and the driver made small conversation, "By the way; What's your name?"

        A sly smile came on my face when he became somewhat curious to know me, well my name at least, "Oh I'm Liam. Liam Jenkins."


~And that's all for chapter two! Be sure to vote for it, comment, add it to your library, reading lists, aaaaaaaand follow me :D~

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