I've Been A Bad Boy And It's Plain To See

Start from the beginning

Ryan looked up at Ronnie raising his eyebrow, "what do i do?".

"You test taste it, see if its not to hot for him", Ronnie rolled his eyes.

'Oh No' i thought Ronnie was going to get Ryan to drink my boob milk, sighing inwardly i kept quiet and watched while Ronnie smirked.

Ryan lifted the bottle up to his nose giving the milk a quick sniff before putting it into his mouth and taking a sip, "Wow that ain't bad", Ryan frowned confused as Ronnie broke out laughing, "Whats so funny?".

I couldn't help it as grossed out as i was that Ryan just drank my Boob milk it was to funny not to laugh at.

Jacky turned around confused as to why Ronnie and i were laughing, "Whats going on?".

"Don't ask me ask Ronnie", I wasn't going to take the rap for this one.

Ronnie leaned forward pressing his hands to his knees trying to cool his laughter, "You just drank Titty milk".

Ryan's whole face contorted with disgust, "WHAT?, your lying, he lying right Liisa?".

Ronnie frowned leaning up, "I ain't lying you just drank Titty milk".

"Aw for fuck sake Ronnie", Ryan whined as turned his head sideways and spat into the trash can beside the sofa.

Jacky, Derek & Ron all broke out laughing with Ronnie as Ryan Cursed and shuddered.

"Not cool Ronnie", Ryan sighed shaking his head, "Now you just turned me off milk all together".

Ronnie leaned up smirking "Are you saying my wife's Boob milk is disgusting?, Wow i feel offended by that", Ronnies eyes shined with amusement.

"Aw Ronnie stop teasing Ryan", I felt suddenly guilty by the greenish colour Ryan's face was changing to.

Ronnie looked over at me losing his smile, "You got to admit baby it was funny".

I bit my lip trying to hold my smile back but it was no good, "Alittle but lets just leave it there OK?, it looks like Ryan might be sick".

Ronnie sighed shaking his head as he looked towards Ryan now, "Ah Ryan come on its not that bad you will be OK".

Ryan frowned up towards Ronnie, "Fuck you Ronnie".

"Ouch", Ronnie held his hand up to his chest over his heart, "you hurt me with your words Ryan", Ronnie paused smiling, "Not".

Ryan rolled his eyes before a smile spread across his face, shaking his head he turned his attention back to Ethan and began to feed him.

Jacky & Ron continued to laugh as Ronnie walked over to me and pulled me into his arms.

I smiled trailing my fingers up his chest towards his neck, "Hey", i whispered.

Ronnie smiled devilishly at me, "Hey you too", he purred pressing his hips against mine.

i raised my eyebrow as i felt the familiar bulge press into my hip, "Don't you know it's rude to point?"

Smirking Ronnie dipped his head down toward my ear "Oops i need to be punished then".

I shuddered as i felt Ronnie graze my ear lob with his teeth, "Ooh", i breathed as i nervously looked over his shoulder towards the guys.

Ronnie leaned his head back looking down at me with a feverish look in his eyes, "Lets go somewhere private", without waiting for me to answer Ronnie took my hand guiding me out of the studio room and into the singing booth.

I froze in my tracks halting Ronnie, "Really in here?", i whispered nervously.

Ronnie turned around grinning "We have had sex in all sorts of places so far but here we haven't", looking suddenly serious Ronnie pulled me back into his arms as his mouth yet again attacked my ears and neck.

One Good Girl One Bad Guy (MSNRWRR Sequel) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now