Memories and Moments

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           You and Brendon step into the hotel room, completely exhausted and jet-lagged. You flop onto the bed and Bren heads to the bathroom. You almost fall completely asleep, but the sound of Brendon flushing and washing his hands pulls you out of it. You stand and walk to the massive window. Pulling the curtains aside, you reveal a beautifully lit city. The grand city of Tokyo, Japan.

           You stare with amazement. The city looks completely different from the penthouse view. You feel Brendon snake his arms around your hips and nuzzle his chin into your neck. "Beautiful, isn't it? I knew you'd love it," Bren says, placing a small kiss where his chin previously sat. You smile and feel chills run down your spine. "It's incredible. I've wanted to see Tokyo most of my life and with the love of my life," you say, turning and placing your hands around Brendon's neck. 

            After a moment of looking into each other's eyes, you kiss him passionately and he pushes you up against the window. You feel his hand graze your cheek and fit snugly behind your ear and in your hair. He pulls your head softly. After a moment, you pull away and turn back around. "How can we sleep with such a beautiful atmosphere surrounding us?" Your eyes scan the city as you speak. It's so alive. "Honey, the city will always wait for us," He says, wanting to presume the make-out session. 

            You turn back to face him. "The city may, but our memories and experiences are moments. Just imagine what kind of moments would could be having right now that would be altered by sleeping," you say, eyes full of wonder. Brendon smirks and looks to the floor. "I could think of  few things," he says, lifting his face and winking. You both laugh and you give him a playful smack on the stomach. "I've been wounddedddddd!! CALL AN AMBULANCEEE!!!!" Brendon clutches his abdomen and falls to the floor, reaching towards the sky. He pretends to choke and says, "I see the light..." You laugh and roll your eyes. 

           You jump over him and grab the jacket that you threw onto the bed earlier. "What're you doing," he asks, getting over his dramatic act. "We're going to go make some memories, goddamn it," you say, pulling the jacket over your shoulders. Bren stands and grabs his leather jacket and says, "Well, I might as well come, I guess." You both laugh some more. "One sec," Brendon goes the living room where our suitcases are. You follow into the room and he closes his suitcase. "Okay, ready," he says, walking towards the door. You notice some face masks on the marble counter top of the kitchen. You grab two. "The air was pretty thick when we came in. Not really what we're used to," you say, handing one to Bren. He slips it into his pocket.

           Once you step out onto the sidewalk, the city is still shuffling. It's not incredibly late, but it seems that way because of the plane ride. Your head goes back and your eyes glisten from the neon signs and tall buildings. Your mouth parts slightly with a wow. Brendon is watching your face the entire time. "This is why I fell in love with you. We are so incredibly tired, but your spirit is so awake all the time. You're incredible," he says, pulling you into a hug. You're quite a bit shorter than him and your head presses against his warm chest. The leather jacket isn't zipped so you can hear each beat of his heart.

           After you pull away, you grab his hand and drag him along the streets. You point at so many things. The city is incredible and Bren follows you through each adventure you may want to go on. Eventually, your legs are worn down and you have to stop at a juice store for some relief. This store has outdoor seating and you two take advantage of that. After getting your drinks and small little deserts, you both sit outside. It's night time, but lights are so bright and colorful. 

         You both finish your deserts. Brendon grabs your hand as you sip on your drink. "Follow me. It's not far," Brendon says, lifting you up. You grab your drink and follow him. Brendon has been here many times before, but this is the first time that he's been able to bring you. He chose a pretty familiar location and sort of know his way around. Emphasis on sort of. 

         He gets you both lost multiple times, but finally he brings you to this beautiful park. It was the time of year where the sakura trees are at full bloom. Small petals fall in the slight breeze. There's also a fountain right in the middle. He walks you to the fountain and you both sit on the concrete edge. It's almost a whole different city from this perspective. The smells are different, the view is different, and there are less people. 

           "Holy shit, Bren. I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have someone like you. I never imagined having the opportunity to see such beauty," you say. "I know. I am quite beautiful," he says, causing you to giggle. You lay your head on his shoulder and just feel the love. You guys have this amazing connection that radiates when you're near each other. It's absolutely beautiful. Beyond human comprehension, really.

            Brendon stands, gently grabs your fingertips, and pulls you up onto your feet. "What you said about memories and moments... It's absolutely true. Had we gone to sleep, I would have never been given this opportunity. I mean, I obviously made plans, but I don't think any moment could be better than this one right now. I think that the memories we created tonight are the best ones I've ever had. Because of that-" 

Brendon falls onto one knee, holding one of your hands and putting his other into his pocket. He pulls out a ring box.

 "I brought this with me because I could see the adventure in your eyes. I could see the love you held and could feel the love you felt. Will you make memories forever with me?

Y/N. Will you marry me?"


(AUTHOR'S NOTE: Finish the story in the comments! I really want to see how you guys would react to this! I'll finish it up here for those who don't want to, but everyone has different opinions and feelings!)


          "Oh my god," you say, trying to grasp the situation. "Yes, oh my god, yes!!! I can't beli- oh my god. oh my god. YES!" He puts the ring on you and scoops you up. He holds you off the ground in a huge hug. He sets you down and kisses you so passionately. He pulls away, holding your head between his hands. "I love you so fucking much, Y/N. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he says, staring lovingly into your eyes. "I love you more than words can describe, Bren. I'm so glad we didn't go to sleep." You both laugh and kiss with all the love your little bodies can hold. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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Brendon Urie x Reader (includes smut)Where stories live. Discover now