Bad Kid (smut)

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I'm actually gonna have a penis and vagina section and i'm sorry if this displeases anyone. Lemme know and I shall give you what you want in another chapter ;)

        You sit and listen to the same lecture you've heard a hundredddd times over. "Y/N, you really need to clean up your act. You don't care and it shows," Mr. Urie shouts across the room. You and your rebel, angsty, emo friends sit in the back and keep to yourselves. However, you all laugh and slack off because none of this will matter in the long run. Who uses math in actual day-to-day life?
         You roll your eyes, sit back, and watch Mr. Urie's face turn red. You love to make him mad, not only because he's funny, but the attention you get from him makes you happy. "You need this class to graduate. I would jump on all of your asses, but you're the only one failing this class right now," He yells to you. The room falls silent and some stupid kids on the front chucks to each other and look back. You sit up and rest your elbows on your desk. You poke your lips out in a pouty manner. "So sad," you drag a finger from your eye to your chin to act as a tear that you could never shed. "I'm only failing because daddy's money won't persuade you to pass me. I have a little more pride than the rest of these prep-pussies."
        You throw your hand in the air and lean back like a bad ass. You kick your feet up and put your hand behind you for someone to appreciate you bravery. Your friends aren't bold enough to do what you did, but your best friend gives you a high five and you put your hand back down. You smirk at Mr. Urie, who is now stomping to be on your end of the classroom.
        He smacks your feet off the edge of the desk and says, "You think this is funny?" You laugh. "Yeah. I do, actually," you respond, pushing every button he has. Mr. Urie pulls off his glasses and brushes his fingers through his hair. The bell rings and everyone rushes out, including you. Mr. Urie puts his hand out and catches you at the chest. "You aren't going anywhere," he growls. You push your eyebrows together and say, "What the fuck?"
        He pushes you back in the chair and you decide to stay. He goes to the front of the room and says something to the teacher next door. When students try to make their way in, he tells them to go to that same teacher's room. After the halls settle, he thanks the neighbor teacher, closes the door, and locks it behind him.
        He sits at his desk and lays his glasses on top of it. He puts his head in his hands and says, "come." You stand and make your way to the front. "That's what she said," you say, trying to lighten up the room. "Damn it," he yells, slamming his fists on the desk. You poop down at a desk and say, "Jesus, teach. Don't get your panties in a bunch." He glares at you from the desk. "I just want you to stop for ten seconds. Can you do that," he asks, standing and walking to sit on the front of his desk.
        "Okay. One... Two..," you begin, but Mr. Urie quickly bolts and puts his hand over your mouth. You look at him likes he's insane and push his hand away. "Don't you fucking touch me, asshole," you yell, standing up. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. I just want to be able to control you and you won't let that happen," he starts pacing and it was like he was talking more to himself than you.
        You start realizing that maybe you should ease up on him. He is, like, the hottest fucking teacher on the planet. You like the attention, but you never wanted to drive him absolutely psychotic. "You're the coolest teacher and I just think it's funny when you're mad," you admit, looking down at your hands. He turns to face you. "You're a sociopath," he says, once again pushing his fingers through his hair. It was extremely hot.
         "Look, I'm trying to fix this, dude. You're the one acting like a psychopath," you say, rolling your eyes. He runs back to you and grabs under your chin. "I want to just... dominate you," he says, his warm, minty breath brushing your cheek gently. You should feel completely terrified or weird, but this all feels so right. All the petty stuff you do in class was for this moment right here.

[IF YOU ARE SKIPPING TO THE SMUT, IT STARTS HERE, KINDA! what did u bring to lunch? o, nuthin, JUST SUM FUCKIN DICK ;} ]

          His lips crash onto yours and you can't deny his kiss. His lips are absolute ecstasy. They're so soft and gentle. He talks so rough, but his touch is so light. He doesn't want to hurt you and you can feel that. You push your hands through his hair. There's small bursts of pleasure in your gut. You want him more than anything right now. He pulls away, leaving you both panting. You put your hands on his chest and he looks in your eyes.
         He walks calmly to the door and you stand, not wanting it to be over so soon. He pulls down the curtain to cover the window on the door. He quickly walks to you, putting both his hands on either side of your face. His fingers rest below your ear and chill your warm skin. His lips fall on yours and you you stumble backwards because of the force he comes at you with.
         Mr. Urie kicks behind your knees, knocking you limp in his arms. You gasp because you were afraid to fall, but he gently sets you on the freezing tile. Your body is covered in goosebumps, not only from the cold.  His hands explore your body and you do the same. You undo his belt, but he pulls your hands above your head and holds you there with one hand. You bite your lip as he kisses down your neck.
          He comes back up and pushes your shirt up, tracing around your nipples with his tongue. You moan as he drags his tongue from your chest to right above the gates of heaven, or should I say, gates of hell. He unbuttons and unzips your jeans, revealing sexy black underwear. He looks into your eyes and bites his thick, bottom lip. He releases your arms and pulls your jeans down, allowing more skin to come in contact with the cold floor. He pushes his mouth in between you legs and breathes in. You feel the cold air through your underwear and it sends waves of sexual tension through your body.
        He takes his teeth and pulls them down. You moan and prepare yourself for the events that are about to unfold.

       Mr. Urie pushes his tongue ever so gently across your clit. You arch your back with enjoyment. Electric sparks ignite from his tongue to your body. He grips your hips/thighs and pushes harder. Your toes point and your legs shake. He picks up the pace and feels your time coming to an end. You get closer and closer, moans gettin louder and louder. "Here it comes," you says, leaning up on your elbows. You breathing becomes heavier and Mr. Urie goes faster. You breath in so deep and...

        Mr. Urie takes your hard dick and pushes it as far as he can down his throat. Your toes point and your legs shake. As he moves up and down, he playfully pushes his tongue around. He brushes the most sensitive part ever time he does. He picks up the pace and stays near the tip. He grabs you on either side of your hips and pushes you into his mouth so deep over and over. This makes you 10x as horny and you moan so loud. "I-I'm about to cum," you cry. You feels his smile as he speeds up. You take in a deep breath and...

       Mr. Urie stops right before you cum and he enters you at full throttle. You gaps and slap your hands on the ground to your sides. He shoves his dick into you over and over, sending you over the edge. Your sexy liquids escape and you moan so loud. Instead of stopping and letting you rest, Mr. Urie pushes harder and harder. Your body shakes uncontrollable with pleasure. Mr. Urie wraps his hand around you throat, but not too hard.
        He takes he other hand and pushes your hands above your head. He kisses you passionately as to say he is doing this out of love, not lust. You smile and moan as he pounds your entrance with no mercy. Mr. Urie's breaths speed up and match with yours. "Now it's my turn," he growls at you. You feel his dick pulse inside of you as he begins to reach his climax. "Ahh, fuuuckkk," he moans as he pushes deep into and releases.
        He removes his hands from your throat and wrists. You limbs fall limp and he pulls out of you. You sit up and feel gross. He staggers to his desk and pulls out baby wipes from a drawer. He uses them on himself and then tosses him to you. You don't say a word to each other. You take care of yourself and him of hisself. He pulls his pants completely up and zips them. You stand and do the same.
         "If you don't start acting right in class, this will never happen again," he says to you with a serious face. You brush your hands through your hair and smirk. "There's gonna be a next time?"

Brendon Urie x Reader (includes smut)Where stories live. Discover now