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        You lie on top of Brendon, listening to each pound of his heart. Your legs fall on either side of his hips. Your arms wrap underneath his neck. You can feel every breath he breaths in and every breath he breaths out. He starts humming a familiar tune, but you just can't think of what the song is. You follow along and imagine the words coming articulately out of his mouth. 

I see trees of green

Red roses too.

I see them bloom

for me and you.

And I think to myself...

"What a wonderful world."

           That's when it hits you. You smile to yourself and continue to fill the words in your head along with his beautiful voice.  Given the scenario that is unfolding in front of you, you must agree with Louis Armstrong's statement. He finally ends the song while slowing drifting off into his own sleep. Although he stops humming, you still hear the music that is a mix of his heartbeat and breathing pattern.

           You begin to drift swiftly away into a deep sleep. You dream of stars and planets and galaxies floating around you and Brendon. It seems as if the whole universe didn't matter because you had each other. Your love covers the galaxies from view and pushes each plant out of its orbit to surround you both. With every move you and Brendon make, the world sets aside its routine. 

           Brendon holds you with every string of passion and you hold him back with just as much. His voice is pure ecstasy and his movements are the trip. You usually stray away from street drugs, but this one is too incredible to pass up. Each strand of hair and misplaced freckle is another layer of indescribable delicacy. Brendon's features resembled a likeness of a Greek god with endless conquests and wisdom. 

            You admire him, but you've never really been able to see yourself in your dreams. It's as if you look in a mirror and know it's you, but it just doesn't look like you. All of a sudden, Brendon melts from your arms and is pulled into a black hole. You scream and reach, but you can't get to him. The galaxies are sucked into the inevitable pit of energy, taking Brendon with them. All the planets and stars and galaxies are pulled away from you, leaving you alone in the dark. The black hole implodes, not a single sight or sound around you.

           After sitting alone in the empty universe, you wake up with a hurt in your heart. The clock says 4:56 AM, but you want to wake up Brendon to tell him about your dream anyway. Before you lift your head up off of his chest, you notice that the room seems oddly quiet. There are no crickets outside, or cars driving by.  Most importantly, there was no...


         You sit up and move your head around over and over, thinking you just aren't putting your ear close enough to his heart. You put your ear up to his mouth, hoping to hear his breath. His cold lips brush your warm ear, sending a shiver down your back. "Brendon?! Brendon, please wake up," you beg. You start crying so hysterically. "Come on, Bren. You're okay. Stop playing around now. You're fine." You avoid touching him because you don't want to hurt him. "Okay, breath."

         You cry and put your hands over your face. You lean over, pressing your forehead to his chest. You're unable to breathe, but you feel selfish for taking breaths anyway. You slam your fists on Brendon's chest, trying to get life to come back into him. You grab your phone and jump off of the bed. You dial 911 and pace across the floor. The phone ring once and a dispatcher picks up. You quickly explain what's going on, but you end up having to repeat yourself so she can understand.

         It felt like 3 years later, but an ambulance arrived and cop cars filed outside of your house. They enter with a gurney and try anything they can to bring him back. You watch in slow motion as his chest lifts and falls as they shock him. You fall to your knees as they pull him onto the gurney. They begin rolling him out of the room and two cops come to your side. You sit, crying, and unable to understand what is going on. It all happened so fast, but also so slow. It all came at once and now you're stuck replaying the image of his body jolting over and over and over.

         The cops say things to reassure you, but also hint that they need to get a statement. You ignore every word because you know nothing is okay. You couldn't give two shits about their statements or false hope. They do this every day, but your world just imploded. Your entire galaxy was pulled into a black hole, leaving you alone and scared. You'll never overcome the darkness that you sit in.

Your universe is gone.

Brendon is gone.


Brendon Urie x Reader (includes smut)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя