But Professor Urie... (smut)

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               "Many uncontrollable thoughts are often linked with anxiety," Professor Urie begins. He writes the word anxiety on the board. He often wrote single words on the board for emphasis, but their meaning was to be meaningless. You hear a girl next to you tell her friend, "Well, I must have a strong case of anxiety in this class, because he's ALL I can think about." They giggle and you nearly gag. He was attractive, but he was also a complete ass. "Girls," He began sternly. "If you have something to say, share it. If not, shut it." The girls sat in embarrassment after his scold. 

                You feel yourself nodding off. His voice is really relaxing and his topics are extremely boring. You look at the clock and sigh. We've been here for 20 minutes and there is no telling how long this lecture will be.  You close your eyes just for a second. You start drifting off into a sleep so sweet. Sweet chills fall down your spine as Mr. Urie's voice travels throughout the room. You just take in every word until you can't... hear... anymore...

                 SMACK!  You jump, nearly falling out of your seat. You look around and there's no one else around. "I should've woken you up during class, but you looked so peaceful," Professor Urie says, walking to the door and closing it. This is your last class of the day and really didn't want to stay longer than you had to. You feel a knot in your stomach, afraid to be kicked from the class or failed. He was such a stern teacher. 

               "Most students in my class never pay attention. You think I don't know that," he asks rhetorically. "I'm sorry, Professor Urie. I really promise it won't happen again," you say as your mouth dries from nerves. "You're damn right it won't happen again." He leans against his desk and beckons you with his index finger. You grab your things and stop in front of him. 

"You're not failing, which is a good thing. You actually have one of the highest grades in this class-"

"Yes, sir. I try my hardest. I didn't mean t-"

"BUT... Let me finish."

You nod.

"You're the only girl in my class that hasn't came onto me. Why?"

                     You're startled by his question. He does a squint with his eyes that would send any other girl over the edge, but you avoid his eyes. "It's unprofessional," you say. He smiles. "Of course. Here." Professor Urie hands you a card with his contact information on it. "If you ever need a personal tutor or just someone to talk to, just give me a call." He winks and walks to the door. He opens it and holds out his hand to motion to the door. You thank him and leave.

                  No matter how weird that situation was, you convince yourself it was nothing. So when you get home and start writing your paper, you had no problem emailing him about your paper. He was certainly back to normal and completely helpful. 

I have time after school tomorrow. Why don't you stay after class? 

-Brendon Urie Ph. D.-

Okay, perfect! Thank you, Prof.


No problem! And please, call me Brendon. It makes things much simpler!

-Brendon Urie Ph. D.-

                      You close your laptop and take a shower. You lay down and close your eyes. Everytime you close them, you see the weird exchange you and Brendon had earlier. You get this feeling that you've felt before, but not for him. You bite your lip and finally drift off to sleep...

Next Morning

                  You get up and get ready for school. When you get there, you pass Brendon. He gives you a smile that sends a feeling below your stomach. Do I have the hots for the prof?  You smile shyly and keep walking to your class. 

                  The whole day is quite easy. All of your classes are mostly going over concepts you've nailed. You only had 3 classes today and you were going to Brendon's room after. You run situations over in your mind. They seem completely unrealistic and undeniably unprofessional, but your mind won't stop. You try to shake them off by the time you reach his room, but you smile like an idiot.

                   "Y/N, you look so happy today," he says, closing and locking the door behind you. "Well, it's been a good day," you say, mentally face-palming at that response. You ignore your head and turn to him. "So, the questions-"

[IF YOU ARE SKIPPING TO THE SMUT, IT STARTS HERE! suck on that.. I mean literally ;) ]

                   "Fuck the questions," He says, grabbing and kissing you so passionately. "Brendon," you start. "Don't start," he says. He reaches down and lifts you off of your feet. With his hands under your ass, he carries you to the desk. He kisses you the whole way there and sets you on his desk. You put your hand on his chest and push him back. You both try to catch your breaths. "But, Professor Urie... We can't do this," you tell him. 

                    "But we are," he growls, clawing at your t-shirt. He kisses up your neck and meets your mouth with his soft, plump lips. You run your hand through his hair and let out slight moans of passion. He pulls your shirt over your head and reveals that you're completely bare underneath. He bites his lip with approval and goes for your jeans. You grab his hand and go for his shirt. First, you loosen up his tie. Next, you unbutton his shirt and watch his world open up before you. Muscle after muscle, you watch his body glisten. 

                     He pulls the tie off himself and sets it beside you. "You'll need that later," he rumbles. His voice was so deep and seductive, you feel the "flood gates" open. After unzipping your jeans, he pulls them off in one swift movement. You don't remember how or when it happened, but his pants were already open. He pulled down his pants, but only to his knees and pulls your underwear down to yours. 

                     He enters you at full throttle. You feel every inch of length and width inside. You wince with pain because of how large he was. He laughs and watches as the pain quickly turns to pleasure. He grabs the tie and tells you to bite it. You put it in your mouth and bite. With every thrust, your teeth clench harder. You slide back and forth on the table. Your hands explore his back, nails digging every movement. 

                    "Oh, shit. I've wanted this," He groans. You moan with unexplainable pleasure. He drives deeper and harder, your moans getting louder and longer. You wrap your legs around his hips, put your hands on the desk behind you, and tilt your head back. You hear the subtle clap of your skin meeting his. This sound gets louder and louder as the force gets harder and harder. "Deeper... Oh, harder, please," you moan through the tie. 

                    At your request, he goes as hard and as fast as he can. "Brendon! Oh, fuck," you say, your words muffled. "You like that?" He pushes in so hard and you gasp. He laughs and goes extremely fast. His grunts and moans turn you on, especially the occasional "fuck." "SHIT SHIT SHIT," you scream, feeling your last moments coming. "Me too, baby," he roars. His force is so hard, he holds you against him and claps against you. You take in a deep breath in small segments and finally climax. You scream with absolute pleasure."YES, BRENDON! OH MY GOD, YES!" He bites his lip and moans, "Fuck..."

                   He pulls out just in time and ejaculates all over his tile floor. "Oh, shit," you say, exhaling with exhaustion. You lay back on his desk, pulling your underwear up. He cleans up a little, pulls his pants up, and grabs his shirt. He pulls in over each bicep and leaves it unbuttoned. He grabs your t-shirt and throws it at you. You sit up and watch him begin to button his shirt. "I don't think you understood the text enough. You're going to need more sessions," he says, watching you pull your shirt over you head.

                  You laugh and hop off, avoiding the sperm, and grab your pants. He starts fixing his cuffs and you start putting your pants on. After, he pops his collar and runs his hand through his hair. You bite your lip, wanting another round, but it was getting late. "Hand me that," he says as a question. He points to the tie and you hand it to him. He puts it on, feeling your saliva still wet on it. "Well, looks like I'll need a new black tie." You both laugh and he opens the door for you. "Just email me the rest of your questions, Y/N. We'll make sure to address them next time, okay," He says, guiding you out with a hand on your lower back. "Okay! Thanks again, Professor Urie," You say, walking away. "Anytime," he says with a smirk that leaves you wanting more.

Brendon Urie x Reader (includes smut)Where stories live. Discover now