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Still 3rd
"Everything alright with you and Gisela, she looks like she'd rather be anywhere else but here," Phil Neville asked. Phil has know Gisela for a bit and could definitely tell she was far from happy with Cristiano.
"I don't know, every since we moved it's just been weird," Cristiano said scratching the back of his neck.
"Well how did she feel about the move when you talked to her about it?"Gary asked.
"That's the thing, I didn't ask, she kinda found out through Instagram then called me demanding answers," Cristiano said trailing off. Now that he had said it out loud he realized how bad his mistake was.
"You didn't ask her!" Wayne said spitting out his drink.
All the players stared at Cristiano as if he was crazy, even some other players who were at the same restaurant as the group and seated nearby overheard the conversation and choked.
"Okay now that I've said it out loud it sounds really bad, but it was hectic and I just wanted to leave." Cristiano said.
"Well that's why she's pissed," Rio said shaking his head, "You better find someway to make it up to her."
"Ya ya," Cristiano said waving it off.
Still 3rd
Gisela and Cristiano eventually landed back in Turin and headed to their house. It had been a week since the award show and things hadn't gotten better. Gisela had just headed off to the airport to head to Barcelona for a Nike photoshoot.
Cristiano was driving to an apartment in the city. He pulled his hoodie up to conceal himself. He unlocked the door and headed inside quietly shutting it.
"I've missed you nena," Cristiano said hugging Monica Contario.
Monica Contario and Cristiano met at a restaurant that Cristiano had brought Gisela and Jr too. Monica was their waitress and Cristiano couldn't keep his eyes off of her (I envision Martha Hunt playing her). It wasn't love but it was more so lust that over took him.

Cristiano hates to admit it sometime but he hated that Gisela was more successful than him. She brought more money to the table and was this sexy, smart, kind women that was way too good for and to him. She was there for everything and always put his happiness above hers. She would be fine with or without him. Whereas with Monica, it was nice to have someone depend on him and go with him on everything. It was Monica who knew how lucky she was to be with him whereas when he was with Gisela it was him who was reminded how lucky he was to be with her.

Monica did feel a bit bad. She was the other woman and she had even met Gisela and his son. However, she couldn't bring herself to stop and clearly Gisela wasn't enough for Cristiano if he was willing to cheat on Gisela with her.
"I've missed you too amor, I haven't seen you in 3 weeks," Monica said hugging him.

"I've just been busy with everything," Cristiano said ducking down to kiss her, "I'll make it up to you."
"Ya but let's do that in my room," Monica said jumping up and wrapping her legs around his torso.
They quickly headed off to Monica's room where Cristiano continued his betrayal to Gisela.
Gisela pulled on her leggings as she walked out of the dressing room. She was modeling new workout gear and training gear for football.
"Look who it is," said a voice.
Gisela felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around her wait and picking her up bridal style.
"Hola el presidente," Gisela said laughing and getting down to hug him properly.
Gerard held on close to her, he had missed her embrace and watching her at the award show killed him. He hadn't been able to talk to her but now he had her with him.
They did their photoshoot and Gerard offered to take her to lunch to catch up.
"How's modeling and your acting been?" Gerard asked.
"Oh my god it's been crazy, especially with the Victoria Secret show coming up, I've been working like crazy," Gisela said stuffing pasta into her mouth.
"Well guess whose going to the show this year and sitting front row?" Gerard said teasingly.
"No way!" Gisela said as her eyes lit up.
That was one of the things Gerard loved about her, her eyes held so much emotion.
"Ya, I've watch the show every year but this is my 2nd time going," Gerard admitted shyly.
The first time he went was the 2009 show, Cristiano and Gisela had just broken up and Gerard was at the show to support her, something Cristiano failed to do. Cristiano has never even attended one of the shows of watched them on tv. Gerard on the other hand had watched every one of them just to see her. He loved how in a split second she could go from a seductive look on her face to breaking out into a bright smile and laughing. He loved how she could never stay serious.
"You watched them on tv," Gisela said in awe.
"Ya," Gerard said looking into her eyes.
It was clear both of the had a connection, Gisela's doubt towards Cristiano was continuing to grow.

The pair finished their lunch before Gerard went to drive Gisela to her hotel. A ding suddenly interrupted their conversation in the car. Gisela had just received a bunch of news notifications on her phone.
TMZ: Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo caught cheating
Dailymail: Ronaldo cheats in Victoria Secret Angel Girlfriend
TheSun: Ronaldo cheats on Gisela with Italian waitress
The tears streamed down Gisela face. How could he? She thought. She had been faithful to him since day one and couldn't believe it. To make matters worse, she recognized the women and was even more hurt when she realized it was a waitress that both she and Junior had met. She felt hurt and disrespected.

Gerard wanted to rip Cristiano apart with his bare hands. Gerard has immediately driven to the hotel, grabbed Gisela's luggage and bring her back to his house. Antonella and Sofi along with Leo and Luis met at his house. Antonella and Sofi comforted Gisela as she cried her heart out. Leo, Luis, and Gerard were on the back patio discussing the matter.
"I will kill that Hijo de Puta if I see him," Gerard swore.
"I still can't believe that he would do something like that to her, after all that she's done," Luis said while Leo nodded.

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