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"Do you now want to tell me what's bothering you?" Cris said shortly.
We had just finished getting ready for bed. Cris was siting on the bed and I had just walked out of the bathroom.
"What is happening to us," I said desperately.
"What do you mean?" Cris said confused.
"Are you so blind that you don't see I'm miserable and that we aren't the same! Cris have you once asked me how I felt about moving here? Have you noticed that we barley talk and haven't been affectionate. Do you not notice anything?" I said running my hands through my hair frustrated.
I sat down on the bed. I quickly got under the covers and threw the blanket on me.
"Listen," Cris said laying down beside me, "I'm sorry I haven't been the worlds best boyfriend. I know this move is hard on you and I'm sorry I haven't asked you about it. But please, let me make this up to you. I'll be a better boyfriend I promise," he said holding me and laying his chin on my arm.
"Okay," I said slightly turning around and giving him a kiss.
We both bid our goodnights and laid together.
The next day Cris left for training and Junior was busy sleeping.
I grabbed the mail and noticed another letter from Gerard. I ripped it open and started reading.
Dearest Gia,
Gia, Seli, Sela, Gigi. The million of nicknames I have reserved for you that you let no one else call you. Geri, Ger Bear (as much as I hate it, I love it when you say it), Blue Eyes, Pretty Boy, the nicknames you have for me that I don't like others to call me other than Geri. I miss the days we would go out for ice cream in Manchester and roam the streets. I miss movie nights and baking with you. I miss a lot of things. Also Gia, you are worth it. I hope to see you soon. Yours always.
With Love,
Gerard Pique
I read the letter once more before grabbing it and hiding it in a box. I kept wondering to myself, what if I had gone with Gerard. Would I be happier? Would he treat me better? I quickly shook my head as the door open and closed. Cris walked in and gave me a kiss.
"Hey Gisela, do you have a dress ready for the FIFA the best awards?" Cris asked.
"Ya I do." I said brushing so hair.
"Ok good, hopefully you have everything ready for next week," Cris said.
Cris left and I went and got paper and a pen.

Dear Gerard,
I guess we might be seeing each other soon. Hopefully we see each other at the award show. I know that even if I told you not to wait, you'll still wait for me. Thank you. I hope one day you'll let me go and live your life because all I want is you to be happy. I'm fine with where I am. It doesn't matter about what's going on with me, what's important is you, Mr. Presidente, have a good life and don't hold yourself back.
Yours always,
Gerard's POV
I laid in bed bored out of my mind. We had an away game that I had to travel to. I quickly got up and grabbed my luggage and head out the door, Leo soon appeared ready to pick me up. I quickly grabbed my mail. The only thing I got was a letter from Turin. Gia wrote back, I thought. I decided against opening it and chose to open it on the plane. That way, hopefully everyone would be asleep and I wouldn't be bother by anyone.
"What's that?" Leo asked.
"I doubt it's nothing," Leo said tasing an eyebrow.
"It's just a letter, now can we get moving we are gonna be late and coach will kill us,"I said shoving the lettering into my backpack.
"As you wish Gerard," Leo said smirking and driving.

With Love|| Gerard Pique ft. Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now