After Steve dropped me off I was nervous but I went and knocked on the door. The door open he stood tall. “Well, Jonah this is a nice surprise.” “Can I come in.” “Of course we were about to eat and since neither of us cooked we are going out. Care to join us? We can order in.” Before I could speak a voice stopped me. “Who is at the door?” She said. “Our grandson.” She came from the back with a smile on her face. “Hello Jonah, how are you?” She said hugging me
“Can I talk to both of yall.” “Of course.” Mrs. Langford said as she offered me a seat and they both sat in front of me. “I know yall know momma and Gavin are engaged and I am happy for them.” I took a deep breath. “Yall are my only grandparents I have but just like with Gavin it’s going to take me some time. I’m sorry I wish I could flat come out and say your this to me and your that; however, I’m not at that point. I’m working on it. That’s the best I can do.”
“Jonah you don’t need to apologize. We respect your feelings. Were we right in our actions at when we asked yall over for a family dinner, no we were not.” Mr. Langford said. “We were so caught up in having a grandchild nothing else mattered. We owe you and your mom a long overdue apology.” “That’s fine. I just need to do this on my own. This is new to me and my family.”  I said in awkward tone hoping they didn’t pick it up before continuing. “Are complete with strangers to me.” “What would you like to know.” “First can you tell me about Gavin.” They both smiled and nodded yes then begin.

Pulling up in my driveway from work I see Gavin’s truck parked. Getting out my vehicle I go in my house only to be met with Gavin’s blue eyes. “Hey, beautiful.” He said kissing me. “Hey, you,” I said smiling. “How was work.” “It was good. I am getting everything straight for next season seeing as I won’t be there.” “I know you're happy about going back to play in the NFL Gavin you don’t have to contain your excitement.” “I am happy but I am happier that I am marrying you.” I kissed him passionately. He broke the kiss “Go out on a date with me tomorrow?” I laughed and went to sit down on the couch. “Gavin do you remember the last time we went out on a date.” I laughed but notice the look on his face.
“I remember you wore those white pants, the look on your face when I held your hand, the look in your eyes when I took your virginity, the way your body felt against mine when you came for the first time. I remember how hot your body felt.” I interrupted him. “That’s enough Gavin.” He smirked. “Getting wet. you're pussy throbbing” “Where are we going for this date.” He laughed. “What kind of house do you want? He asked. “I don’t know.” “Are we moving.” “To be closer to Jonah of course.” “what team are you signing with. I will tell you later.” “Haven’t decided yet have you.” “No. I need to make this decision with you and Jonah.” “I’ll go out with you tomorrow. Where we going.” “Don’t worry about it.” He said kissing me “Let’s go take a shower?” Gavin asked before I could answer he picked me up and we to take a shower.

                    {Next day}

Walking in the venue I am blown away at what I see. “Gwen” I called out. She came running from the back. “It’s not done yet, but I promise it will be tonight and carters will be on time.” “It looks amazing. Thank you.” “You have changed from yesterday” “I’m not letting my thoughts ruin what I am building with my family.” I kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll see you in a few Gwen.” Then left. Driving I pulled up at my parent's house and went to the pool house and sat down thinking about Simone and I.  
“Deep in thought.” “Yes, ma’am.” “Happy birthday momma” “Thank you, baby. What’s on your mind.” “Simone.” “She invading your thoughts.” “I just want to love her and make up for the hell I caused her.” “You can't change the past you learn from it.” “I learned Ima a dick for what  said to her.” “Yeah, you were you. I just realized you and Jonah are more alike than you two can see.” “The past haunts and controls yall.” “I’m just thinking out loud. We made Jonah in here and I was just thinking. I’m not living in the past.”

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