Chapter 6

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Trent needed to make a decision. He could either swim through a lake or run around it. He was a faster runner then he was a  swimmer, but running was also a further distance. To make it worse, he didn't even know he was running from, so he had no idea what they were like in water.

He looked to see Tyler had ran around, but Courtney had started swimming. He looked down at Courtney and he trusted her judgement so he dove in after her. He threw his shirt off and he jumped into the lake. The water was freezing, fortunately, this only encouraged him to swim faster and soon he was ahead of Courtney. Trent flailed his arms around trying to go as fast as he could, but he stopped when he heard a splash. Turning his head around he saw Tyler, with a terrified expression on his face. A masked figure had stabbed his chest and pushed him into the lake. The figure had quickly jumped in after Tyler, and they were quickly wading towards Courtney and himself.

'Swim!' Trent screamed at Courtney who hadn't failed to oblige. She was following him closely.

As soon as Trent got to the edge he jumped out and he carried on running.

'Trent!' Courtney screamed.

Trent cursed as he turned around to see Courtney being stabbed in the back and pulled back into the lake. Turning back around, Trent started sprinting as fast as he could, the person following him not too far behind.


Lindsay was so relieved when she found Gwen and LeShawna. She'd been alone, weak and scared. She'd been a zombie walking around ready to get killed. She hadn't been able to believe that Alejandro was a murderer, but she couldn't deny the evidence. She still didn't know what Noah and Cody were doing though, they were with Alejandro, but Noah had killed him. It didn't matter to her right now though, she just needed to focus on staying alive. She trusted Gwen and LeShawna though. They were her friends, and they'd been running from Alejandro as well, you couldn't fake the scared looks on their faces.

'We should head back to camp.' Gwen told them.

'Why?' LeShawna asked. 'Surely that's the first place they would look.'

Gwen nodded. 'But it's getting dark soon, we don't know what's on this island.'

'Yeah, I agree with Gwen.' Lindsay said. 'We should head back.' She then turned to the goth. 'But how do we even know there are more murderers?'

Gwen sighed. 'Noah killed Duncan. We saw him do it though. Cody we're not sure about, he was there, but we've not seen him murder anyone. Yet.'

'You think he has it in him to be in on this?' LeShawna asked.

Gwen shrugged. 'Before today I wouldn't have even thought Alejandro would have had it in him, we just can't trust anyone.'

'I can trust you two.' Lindsay piped up.

Gwen looked at her. 'Well, you shouldn't.'

The three girls headed back to camp in silence.


Izzy raised a hand to her mouth when she saw Sadie's corpse. So many of her friends were dead. She leant down and she closed Sadie's eyes, like she had done to Owen's.

'Sorry, Sadie.' She whispered.

Izzy stood up and she carried on walking, she needed to find someone, it was hard to deal with though, she was human after all. She was walking for about half an hour until she heard someone running her way. She quickly looked up to see Trent dashing towards her.

'Run!' Trent yelled.

Izzy nodded and she started sprinting away from Trent, she heard Trent run behind her, but he caught up and after not too long they were neck and neck.

'Who are we running from?' Izzy asked, between breaths.

'I-I don't know.' Trent replied. 'But they killed Tyler and Courtney!'

Izzy ran with Trent when they found a cave to their side 'Should we go in?' She frantically asked, but before he could reply, loud footsteps came from behind them. Trent dashed into the cave as the figure grabbed Izzy, clamping a hand over her mouth. She kicked and flailed but the figure overpowered her and snapped her neck. Her lifeless body fell down onto the ground.

Trent ran into the cave, cloaked by darkness. He ducked down behind a boulder and he heard loud breathing nearby, Trent squeezed his body in to make himself as small as possible, he held his breath so the predator wouldn't hear him. He was exhausted, so he knew he couldn't outrun this person, he also didn't know the risks of running into this cave, he didn't know what was down there.

He peered up to see a masked figure walk further into the cave, and Trent slowly and quietly got up. He carefully made his way out and slowly stepping into the light. Turning on his heel he started running away, past Izzy's corpse. He was scared but surprisingly less scared then he was before, he'd managed to outsmart the predator once. He could definitely do it again.

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