Chapter 4

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Sadie bit her lip. She was holding Bridgette's hand as they nervously furthered themselves through the woods.

'They must be around here somewhere.' Bridgette whispered.

She smiled at her, but Sadie could tell it was fake, Bridgette was as nervous as she was.

'Everything alright?' Sadie asked.

Bridgette shook her head. 'We're going to die!' She screamed.

Sadie took a step back from the seemingly calm young woman in front of her.

Bridgette bowed her head down 'How could any of this be alright?' She asked. 'I'm worried about you, me, Geoff!'

Sadie took a step back, before stepping into a hug with her. 'It'll be okay Bridge.' Sadie whispered. 'Everything will be okay.'


Heather fell down limp on the ground, her body cold.

'Alejandro.' Duncan said sternly, backing away like everyone else was. The five had edged to the other side of the room.

Alejandro winked at him and he reached out. Cody tried to writhe, but Alejandro was much physically bigger and he grabbed the small boy away. Pulling out a knife he plunged it into the brunette's arm, causing him to scream out in pain.

Noah's eyes went wide. 'No!' He screamed, jumping over to Alejandro pulling Cody away from him. He placed himself as a barrier between the predator and prey.

Whilst Alejandro was distracted with him, Gwen grabbed and LeShawna they managed to slip out behind him. They peered back to the four guys, but they guiltily decided to carry on running.

Alejandro grabbed Noah, but to Cody's surprise, he didn't do anything. Instead, Al turned around to kick Duncan in the chest. Alejandro ran over to Duncan before jumping over him. The tall brunette tried to pin him down, but Duncan managed to get up, kicking Alejandro in the process. He dove up and tried to run out but Noah grabbed him.

'Noah?' Cody asked stepping away from the two of them.

Noah pushed Cody aside before pulling something out of his pants, shooting the delinquent.

Cody stepped back. 'Noah?' He repeated.

Alejandro walked over to Cody, and he ruffled his hair.

'What's going on?' Cody asked, looking between the two of them.

Noah took his boyfriend by the shoulders. 'Cody, everything is okay, but, I need you to stay calm.'

Cody shook his head. 'You, you, you just k-killed him!'

Noah kissed Cody on the cheek. 'Cody babe, calm down.'

Cody backed off away from his boyfriend, and Alejandro took a step closer to the brunette. He placed an arm on Cody's shoulder and he turned to Noah.

'Do I need to kill the kid?' He asked.

Noah shook his head quickly. 'You know the deal.'

'Deal?' Cody asked.

Alejandro hit Cody round the face, causing him to wince pain, Alejandro then hit him again harder, knocking him unconscious. 'He needs to be kept quiet.' Alejandro told Noah sternly. 'If you don't want the boss killing him then you better carry him and make sure he does.'

Noah nodded picking his boyfriend up, following the certified murderer.


Courtney led the two boys into the isolated room. Screens to different parts of the island were littered around.

The three made their way to the locked box. Courtney tried slamming it open, but it stayed locked.

Tyler looked over the screens, but he couldn't see Lindsay anywhere.

'How are we getting in there?' Courtney asked the two guys.

Trent pulled the box away and kicked it as hard as he could. 'Shit!' He yelled, rubbing his foot. 'Stings like a bitch.'

'There's no way we can break into it.' Tyler groaned. 'We don't have any sort of key!'

'Yeah.' Trent sighed, defeated. 'We came all this way for nothing.'

'We should probably turn back.' Courtney said. 'Look out for Geoff and the others on the way.'

Trent and Tyler nodded at the bossy brunette as they left their tent. They heard a scream. It was female, they could tell, but none of them had a clue who.

'Where did that come from?' Tyler asked urgently.

'I don't know.' Courtney replied, 'but I think it would be best to travel away from where the scream just came from.'

Trent started running, Courtney and Tyler just behind him. It was all they could do.

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