Chapter 1

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Huffing, Chris McLean strolled up and down the dock, anticipating the contestants arrival. He was getting annoyed by how long it was taking for them to come, he'd only took this dumb job because his agent had told him it would make him famous, but instead of achieving this he was being forced to baby-sit twenty-two teenagers for a summer! And not just any teenagers... the original Total Drama Campers! They were some of the most frustrating, aggravating and in general annoying teenagers ever! All they did was whine and moan and complain, it drove the man insane.

Hearing a loud noise blaring from the sea, he glanced up at the twenty-two teenagers who were finally arriving and clambering onto the dock.

He put on a false smile as they arrived and clambered onto the deck.

'Yo man!' Geoff smiled, giving Chris a high five, he smiled back at him, even though he could have screamed.

'Dude!' Chris said. Cringing internally he turned to the rest of the group. 'Let's go to the Mess Hall! You all know the way by now.' He joked, gaining mostly annoyed comments from the campers.

He heard grumbles coming from several of the contestants, especially from Gwen, as they made their way to the place Chef Hatchet had tortured them for weeks. He followed them and watched them sit down around the tables.

'Okay.' He smiled. 'There will be a few changes this season. Rule Change One, the guys and girls will be sharing a cabin.'

'You can't be serious!' Heather yelled.

'That's ridiculous!' Courtney screamed.

This gained some shocked faces from some of the girls but Harold's smile grew wider.

Chris scanned the contestants before stopping at Gwen, who gave him the finger.

'Only kidding.' Chris sniggered. 'You'll stay in the same-'

The lights flickered off.

'What now?' He asked, frustrated.

Heather gripped the table slightly, she'd never tell anyone this, but she had a slight fear of the dark, well, it made her more uncomfortable then scared. She swiftly jumped over to the light switch and put it on.

Someone screamed.

'Holy shit!' Heather yelled, turning around.

Chris McLean, the host of total drama was lying on the ground, impaled by some kind of knife. His lifeless body was drained of all colour and his wide eyes were still open.

Someone else screamed, then someone else did, people setting each other off.

'What the fuck!' Ezekiel yelled.

No one could move, so Courtney slammed her fist against the table. 'Quiet!' She knew panicking wasn't going to help anyone. The group turned to her. 'Nobody panic.' She ordered.

Total Drama MurdersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora