Chapter 5

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Gwen and LeShawna ran as fast they could, they were terrified of being found by Alejandro, but they had unanimously decided to leave Noah, Cody and Duncan with him. The guilt was biting away at LeShawna, but she knew anyone would do the same. Gwen felt minimal guilt, she was a horror fanatic, she knew they'd made the right decision.

The two friends kept running until they stopped at a giant ditch.

'Fuck.' LeShawna breathed out.

'Up there.' Gwen pointed to a nearby drawbridge further up. A figure was resting on it in the distance.

The two ran up, and saw Lindsay! The blonde didn't seem too injured, but her make-up was dirty and her clothes were torn. She had bags under her eyes, and they seemed slightly red and puffy.

'Guys!' She screamed when she saw them.

Gwen quickly turned to LeShawna. 'How do we know we can trust her?'

'You got your knife right?'

Gwen nodded and LeShawna looked away.

'If she tries anything you know what to do.'

Gwen nodded, and they heard footsteps. 'Run!' She yelled at LeShawna and the two of them started sprinting across the old draw bridge, it was weak and swung at LeShawna's heavy foot, but it was doing well to support both of their weights. Gwen slipped, but LeShawna quickly pulled her friend up. LeShawna then turned around and she made eye contact with Alejandro who was standing at the end. He was with Noah and Cody- fuck, Cody was dead. Cody's chest moved up and down slightly. LeShawna breathed a sigh of relief as she and Gwen made their way across the draw bridge and to Lindsay. LeShawna bit her lip. What were Noah and Cody doing with him?

Alejandro turned to Noah. 'I'm going, you stay here.'

Noah nodded as Alejandro started sprinting across the bridge towards the three young women.

'Shit!' Lindsay squealed. 'We need to run!'

Gwen smiled wickedly. 'No, we don't.' Gwen took a step closer to the draw bridge as she pulled out her knife, she quickly started rubbing the rope on one side causing it to break. She peered over at Alejandro who swiftly became disorientated. He kept his balance by grabbing the one side which was still supported, and he swiftly started shuffling along.

'The other side!' LeShawna yelled.

Gwen nodded and she started cutting the other side, she quickly managed to get through and Alejandro yelled as she watched the whole draw bridge swing to the other side. She heard a loud crack as Alejandro hit the wall, but he weakly managed to hold on.

'Noah!' Alejandro cried out, 'Pull me up!'

Noah looked down at Cody who was stirring. His angel smiled when he saw him, and Noah knew what he had to do. He placed Cody down and reached for Alejandro's hand.

'Pull me up!' He ordered, but Noah shook his head.

'Goodbye Al.' Noah smiled.

'What?' He yelled.

 Noah let go, and he watched as Alejandro plummeted to his death.

'Noah let him go.' Gwen told the two girls who hadn't seen what had happened.

'Whatever.' LeShawna said, grabbing Gwen's arm. 'We need to go.'

Gwen nodded, and ran off.

Noah ran over to his boyfriend. 'Cody.' He whispered. 'He's gone. Alejandro has gone.'

'What?' The geek asked.

'I'm sorry baby. I... I pushed him.'

Cody nodded and laid his head back against the ground. He was dating a murderer.

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