"He's a liar!"

"He's a fake!"

The screaming continued until Jeremiah screamed "Shut up!" Jane stood very still, unsure what to do with herself. The room went silent until Jeremiah started laughing softly to himself. Jane was terrified of what was happening. Jeremiah looked around the room, surveying each and every person. "I want you all to know I find your fickleness quite hurtful. And more so, very predictable."

Everything happened so fast, one moment Jeremiah stood there staring at everyone, the next, he grabbed Jane by the arm and pulled them out of the room. He then shut the door and locked it. Jane stood there silently with her eyes widened as she watched the followers bang on the door before Jeremiah put on a switch, setting them all on fire. He watched them without any trace of emotion. Jane's heart accelerated. She was so scared of what would happen next. 

Then he turned to her and finally the anger he was feeling was unleashed. "This is your fault, isn't it?"

Jane stuttered, "W-W-What? Jeremiah, I didn't do anything, I swear. I listened to every single instruction."

He grabbed her roughly and held her up against the wall, her feet dangling slightly. "You turned them against me, I know it." Then he yelled, "After everything I've done for you!"

Jane felt tears gathering in her eyes. "J-Jeremiah, I swear! I'm loyal to you. I would never do anything to spite you."

Jeremiah paused and looked down at his terrified sister. He felt her shaking under his grasp. Jeremiah felt nothing. He dropped her roughly to the ground before starting to walk away. "You better. You still have a lot to do to prove your life."


Hours after Jeremiah's failed destruction of Gotham City, Jane found herself in an abandoned church, alone with her crazed brother. He was leaning over a table with a map displayed on it. A light was shown down on it and was the only light in the entire building. Jane was still shooken up after the incident earlier and refused to look at Jeremiah, in total fear of him. 

Jeremiah was now trying to come up with a better plan, one that wouldn't fail this time. Jane stood in silence. If she interrupted him in any slight way, he would just unleashed his full anger onto her. 

He was muttering to himself softly. "Think. Think. Think, think, think, think. How did they beat you? How did they figure you out?" 

Jane had a vague idea. She remembered studying her brother's bombs and seeing a specific one that controlled the others. But she wouldn't dare mention a mistake of his to him. 

A moment later, Jeremiah figured it out. "Hmm, Gordon must have stolen the blueprints to the maze, found one of the bombs, and sabotaged the sequence." Then he looked over his shoulder to Jane. "You must've left those out." He glared nastily on her and she cowered away. She most definitely didn't leave them out. She was never really shown them, she just found them one day and only quickly glanced. This wasn't her fault. Nevertheless, he turned back to his map and sighed. "I'll just have to start again."

A moment later, a voice called out to the siblings. "You're tenacious. I like that."

Jane looked around as Jeremiah turned and pointed his gun, ready to fire at any moment. "Who are you? What do you want?" he called out. 

A man appeared on the balcony of the church, looking down on them. "I had a vision of Gotham in flames. Together we can make that happen."

Jeremiah, with his gun still pointed at them, replied. "Well, I appreciate the offer, but recent events have convinced me of the benefits of working alone."

The man nodded towards Jane. "Oh really? Well, what about the young girl there?"

Jeremiah didn't miss a beat. "Free labor. Plus, I have her trained real good. She won't ever think of betraying me."

Jane hated being talked about as if she weren't here, as if she didn't have a voice of her own. She had to bite her tongue not to speak. Jeremiah shot at him.

The man disappeared and then reappeared across the room. "Don't be so rash. Your dream of a new Gotham will come to be, with my help." Jeremiah then shot again, the man disappearing just in time once again. 

A moment later, the man appeared behind Jeremiah. Jeremiah sensing this, dropped his gun and rolled his eyes. "You're behind me, aren't you?" Jane nodded, already standing in that direction. Once facing him, Jeremiah spoke again. "I can conquer Gotham on my own. What makes you think I need your help? Whoever you are."

The man started to slowly walk closer to him. "Because, my boy, all this is not just about Gotham. This is about Bruce Wayne."

hello and welcome to another chapter!
i know it's late and that's on purpose. the last two chapters had absolutely no comments and i've been a little bummed. comments are extremely important to me. they help me with motivation and how to improve. PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!

i'm not sure when the next update will be (last one of part 1!) probably friday but i'm waiting to see how i feel.

PLEASE COMMENT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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