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~Hey guys so for the rest of the chapters I am going to be doing POV's because I've done them in my other book so I'm used to it hope you still enjoy this~
~2 Years Later~
~Jimin's POV~
"These last 2 years with my fiance have been great and yes I did say fiance because Yoongi proposed to me last year but we haven't decided when to get married. But anyways we've had to many good times together and we've had our ups and downs but we're still happy with each other. For quite some time I've actually decided that I wanted kids but I don't know if Yoongi wants any so I think I'm going to ask today" Jimin thought to himself as he headed to there shared room. When I got there I saw him on his computer so I sneakily sat down next to him and look at my lap while figitting with my fingers. Yoongi looks up and asks "Jimin what's wrong"." I-I wanna ask you something but I don't know how you'll feel about it" Yoongi put his fingers under my chin and lifted it so that I lock eyes with him. "Babe ask it. I'll be okay with whatever the question is" Yoongi said to me. I was really nervous to ask him so I took a deep breath and asked "Would you want to have kids with me". He looked shocked at first but then he smiled. " Jimin of course I would love you have kids with u" I smile and kissed him. "Thx Yoongi we can go to the adoption center tomorrow I'm tired" I said rubbing my eyes. So we got changed and feel asleep cuddling each other.
~Next Day~
~Yoongi's POV~
Today Jimin and I are going to the adoption center to get a kid of our own. So Jimin and I are heading to the center right now. "So do you want a girl or boy" Jimin asked. "Hmmmmm I was thinking of getting a boy" I said. "Yes we should get a boy he'll be so handsome" Jimin said as we arrived. We walked in and we saw all these kids running around. We walked to the receptionist. "Hi we're here to adopt a little boy" I said. "Okay right this way" The receptionist lady said. We walked into a room and the boys were lined up. So looked at all of them and one boy caught my eye. I walked over to him and crouched down to his hight. "Hi" I said to him. "Hi" He said back in the cutest voice. Jimin saw I was talking to him so he came over too. "What's your name" Jimin asked. "My name is YooJin" He said and smiled and I couldn't help but smile too. "How old are you YooJin" I asked him. "I'm 5 years old" He said as he held up 5 fingers. Me and Jimin looked at each other and nodded. We walk to the receptionist. "We would like to adopt YooJin" I said to her. "Okay just fill out this paperwork and he's all yours" She said and handed is the papers. Jimin quickly signed it and she went to get him.
~Jimin's POV~
I can't believe I'm getting my own child I'm so happy right now. We saw the receptionist walk out with YooJin holding her hand and when he saw us he ran to us and hugged my leg. I picked him up and smiled and he had the biggest smile ever. "So what's my new surname" YooJin asked. "How does Min YooJin sound to you" I asked him. "It sound awesome" He said as he smiled once again. We went to the car and drove home. I'm so lucky to have the perfect family.
Okay I know I did a huge time skip right after I introduced Hoseok but I had this idea in my head for awhile now so I just wanted to do it so I'm sorry. Also this may be my last update till I get back from vacation. I'll be leaving this Sunday and stay for 2 weeks and if you're wondering where I'm going, I'm going to Florida to see my family. So hope you enjoyed I PURPLE YOU 💜💜💜💜💜💜BYE~~~~~~~

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