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~Next Day~
~Jimin's POV~
I was in the kitchen making breakfast for Yoongi & Yoojin. Once I was done making breakfast and put it on the table I saw 2 sleepyheads walking down the stairs. "Good morning you two" I said to them. Yoojin ran to me and I picked him up. "Morning eomma" He said and showed his smile. "Morning babe" Yoongi said and gave me a kiss. "I made breakfast for you two so eat up" I sat Yoojin in his chair and the both of then started eating. "Hey babe do you mind if I see some friends that I haven't seen in a while"."Yeah just be safe" Yoongi said and gave me another kiss. I smiled and ran upstairs to get dressed. Once I was dressed I texted my two friends to meet me and the park. "I'll see you later Yoongi" I waved bye as I saw Yoongi holding Yoojin. I walked to the park to see my friends waiting. "Hey guys"." Hey Jimin" My two friends said. "So Felix, Jisung how's it been" I said. "It's been good Jimin" Felix said. "How's things with Yoongi do I need to teach him a lesson" Jisung asked. I rolled my eyes at him. "No he's been good to me we even got married yesterday and we have a 5 year old son we adopted" I said. They both gasped. "You have a son can we meet him please" Jisung said. "Sure why not" I said. I got out my phone and texted Yoongi to see if they could come over for a little and he said yes. "Come on let's go" I saw them jump in excitement and run to my house. "Hey wait for me" They both laughed and we ran to my home. Once we were there I opened the door. "I'm home" I yelled after that we heard little footsteps running towards us. "Eomma" Yoojin said and ran up to me. I picked him up and places him on my hip. "Awwww he's sooo cute uwu" Both Felix and Jisung said. "Eomma who are they" Yoojin said as he put his head in my neck. "These are eommas close friends" I walked over to them. "This is Felix and Jisung" I said. I put Yoojin down and go look for Yoongi.
~Felix's POV~
Jimin left and I walk up to Yoojin. "Hey there little guy" I said. "Hie" He said with his smile that looks like Jimin's. "Awww you're just so cute" Jisung said as he hugged Yoojin. "Wanna play games with me"." Sure" I said he took my hand and pulled me to his room Jisung following behind. "This room is nice" Jisung said as he looked around. "Thanks my Eomma and Appa helped me with it" Yoojin said. He walked over to a bin that was full of toys. He looked like he was thinking. "Let's play Hero Vs. Villian" He said. "Okay" We both said. He handed us each a villian and he has the hero. We were playing for awhile until Yoojin got tired so he crawled over to me sat on my lap and feel asleep. Me and Jisung both cooed at his cuteness. He heard a light knock at the door so we looked and it was Jimin. "Looks like he likes you two especially you Felix" He said with a small laugh after. "Yeah he's super cute" I said while running my fingers through his hair. "Here let me put him in his bed"." Okay" I gave Yoojin to Jimin and he put him in his bed. We walked out and went to the living room. "Today was fun guys I hope we can do it again"." Yeah definitely" Jisung said.
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Hey guys I hope you enjoyed. I PURPLE YOU💜💛💙🖤💛

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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