Chapter 8: Prison Escape

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"Alpha she's tried to escape again." Skyler reports, standing in front of my desk with his hands behind his back at attention.

I sigh deeply, "what this time? The window? I thought one of the guards fixed that problem."

"No sir, she stole the key to her cell and tried to run last night. Obviously she didn't get far because I was on the night shift. She's getting sneakier."

I groan and rub my tired eyes. I've only kept her down there for a few days and she's escaped twice already, now three times. I thought she would have given up when I revoked her eating privileges the first time she snuck out the window. But the next day she used her food dish to knock out my guard and she snuck out the back door. Now she's just getting crafty and my wolf is getting impatient.

"Alpha why haven't we killed her yet? She's just a human. Clearly she's seen too much so we can't just leave her somewhere alive." Skyler asks, silently offering to do the deed himself.

My wolf growls within me and I stand up quickly to tower over my tracker. He cowers in submission and lowers his head. I can feel the anger radiating off my body and I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

"She will not be killed. This human has significance and as alpha I will decide her fate" I boom. "Take away her eating privileges again for the rest of the day and keep someone stationed outside her cell at all times. To prevent her from stealing the key again do not allow them to step close to the cell."

My tracker nods and rushes out of the doors to my office to follow the orders given to him. I sigh again and sit back down at my large oak desk, running my hands through my hair. I haven't told anyone in the pack, other than Asher, about the human girl in the dungeon. I can feel their uneasiness and curiosity but I have not yet decided her fate.

How can someone poison their wolf like this. It's wrong and I cannot feel my mate within her. Are you sure this is the girl we saw in the woods? My wolf asks from within me. We communicate in my thoughts and he experiences the world the same way I do no matter who is in control.

Well it was pretty dark but you can't deny her long brown hair. I still feel that pull to her, even if it is weak, but I can't fathom a justified reason for killing your wolf like this unless she'd been held prisoner by him. I reply as I stare down at the paperwork in front of me.

If she was wouldn't we have known somehow? I mean Asher's wolf told me she was so surprised by the rogue she'd tried to run and even spoke to it as if she knew it would understand her. The seems compelling to me that she knows of our existence yet she didn't seem to know it was a rogue. She seemed to think Asher and the rogue were from the same pack.

I assess the situation with my wolf quietly trying to figure out who this human is and why she would have killed her wolf. The pack's best doctor told me she had wolfsbane in her blood but she had no scars from possible torture. In fact, she's quite healthy and other than the wolfsbane in her blood there was no other poison in her system. The only way to find wolfsbane in the blood is if it was ingested somehow but she clearly hadn't been held down in any way ever and she had no signs of repeated injection of the poison. If she had been his prisoner we would have seen her before.

She had to be purposefully ingesting wolfsbane regularly to kill her wolf like this, my wolf growls angrily at the loss of his mate and argues for the murder of the human girl.

I can't kill her, you know that. Just because you lost your half doesn't mean I have to kill mine. I can't ever love her fully, though, because she obviously rejects everything our kind stands for. What do we do?

******Mystery POV********

"It's just as you thought sir, they are beginning to panic. Your mate has already called someone by the name of Marley and they're prepared to leave tomorrow. What will you have me do?"

I turn away from the window in my war room, the rain raced down the glass and the darkness of the night loomed outside. I knew she would run. She always runs, and escapes me. Not this time.

"You will go to her. Take my precious Annabel and bring her to me. Casey can be killed if you must but do your best to bring them both to the dungeons. I am ready for my reunion."

"Yes alpha. I shall return in a day's time with them both." My beta replied and nodded in submission.

I turn back to the window and the rain, smirking. The door shuts behind me and I stare at my reflection against the darkness outside. Sighing to myself I begin to make the plans for my mate and Annabel, they've been away for so long I wonder if she will even recognize me. I muse over the different torture methods I have planned for Casey and my wolf yips in agreement. He was hurt more than I was by her betrayal because she bore his pup. It was easier for me to kill her family after that.

Casey will wish she'd never betrayed me and little Annabel will learn to enjoy killing just as I do and if she refuses Casey will pay dearly. We will destroy the Crescent Moon Pack just as I destroyed the others and their strongest will become my fighters.

Soon I will have the world in my hands.

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