Chapter 7: Mine

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I opened my eyes slowly, a bright light above my head cursed me for trying to see and I flinched away from it. Groaning a little I rub my tired eyes and instead a hard object collides with my right eye.

"Ow, what the hell?" I mutter as I fully open my eyes to see my arm in a blue cast.

I don't remember having that. I look around me at what appears to be a small hospital room. I sit up in the uncomfortable cot and took in the white walls and tiled floor. A machine next to me beeps loudly with my suddenly rising heart rate. Where am I? What happened to the wolf that saved me?

As I look over to my immediate left notice a large man laying asleep in a chair next to my bed. Did he kidnap me? This doesn't look like any hospital I've been to. Should I run? I consider my options and decide that he must have been the person who found me in the woods and he probably stayed to help the staff find my identity.

"Stupid," I mutter to myself, "should have brought some kind of ID with me when I left. They have no idea who I am."

I search for the nurse call button but to no avail, and I wonder to myself what hospital doesn't provide a call button to its patients. Looking over at the man in the chair I take in his features: his dark brown hair hid his eyes from me and his large muscles left me impressed. He has surprisingly tan skin for someone who lives in this area, I know I barely tanned much in the summer let alone in the winter. Maybe he travels, I think to myself as I continue to obviously check out this stranger asleep next to me.

The door to the small bleak room opens and a blonde nurse enters the room holding a clipboard. I look over at her and make eye contact with her icy blue gaze. She slightly glares at me and begins to speak in a hard tone.

"I see you're awake. How are you feeling?" She asks looking back at her clipboard as if she doesn't actually care if I respond.

"I feel fine, thanks. Where am I?" I ask quietly, interlacing and unlacing my fingers nervously.

"A hospital." She responds, still not looking up from her clipboard.

What is so interesting about that damn paper? You'd think for a nurse she'd be kinder to patients. I mean obviously I'm in the hospital. I silently roll my eyes and a deep voice next to me catches my attention.

"Check her vitals again." The handsome stranger next to me demands.

He was awake suddenly and apparently he thinks he is responsible for me. I try to catch his gaze but his attention is solely focused on the pretty nurse. I notice his gold eyes and quietly gasp; I've never seen someone with gold eyes before, the only normal thing about them was the brown specs sinking in the pools of gold. His demand startled me slightly and I rip my gaze from his face to look over at the nurse expecting another rude remark. Maybe he doesn't actually care about me and he is just here to flirt with the pretty blond nurse.

"Yes sir." She replies without hesitation as she walks over to me.

What in the world is going on here? Why wasn't she rude or flirty towards this hunk of man next to me? Bewildered I sat still as she checked my pupils with a small, bright flashlight she'd kept in her scrub pocket. The handsome stranger stood next to the cot the entire time watching her work and I continued to fidget my hands in my lap under the rough hospital blanket.

When she'd finished her check of my pulse she stood back from me and scribbled something onto her clipboard.

"She seems perfectly fine. I would say she is ready to go home now." The nurse said, looking only at the man standing next to me.

Before he can speak for me again I begin to get out of the hospital bed and I offer my arm to the nurse so she can take everything off me; "great my mother is probably worried sick calling all the police offices in the country."

"She's not going anywhere," the man replied, still not looking at anything but the nurse, "she is to stay here until I can find her a place to remain."

Shocked I stood up and glared at him, "excuse me but I don't think so. I will be leaving right now and you cannot keep me I have been medically cleared." I turn to the nurse, who stood in the doorway staring at me with wide eyes, "bring me my clothes and point me towards a phone I can borrow please."

The nurse looked between me and the tall stranger standing behind me on the other side of the bed. I shake my hands at her suggesting she go get my things so I can get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Her gaze rests on him as she stands speechless and the stranger walks around the bed to stand between her and I. He stares down at me with those golden eyes and I fidget my hands behind my back and bite my lip nervously.

"I will be going home whether I have my clothes or not." I say in a hard even tone, standing my ground.

"You will not," he says in an angry tone with an expression to match, "go find her something to wear Kendra." His gaze never leaving mine.

"You can't keep me here this is kidnapping. Who the hell do you think you are?!" I raise my voice at him as I try to step around him; I notice the nurse left and the door was closed again.

"You will stay and you will be safe here. We don't want those scary wolves to get another bite of you do we?" He smirks and uses his thumb to press my chin down, forcing me to look at him. I flinch away from him as I try to rip his large hand off of my face, to no avail.

"As for your question," he said as he smiled, his canines noticeably long and sharp, "I'm in charge around here and you will do as I say or there will be consequences."

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