Chapter 31: Training

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I quietly watch from the window in the kitchen of the pack house as Annabel swings another hard punch to the foam board on Taylor's arm. She hasn't made much progress since yesterday afternoon, but I have faith in her. If her abilities don't improve after a few weeks I'm just going to have to train her myself; my wolf expresses his agreement in my mind and I smirk. I'm glad she agreed to be trained, even if it wasn't with me. My mate needs to be able to protect herself, especially with the war I can feel coming on. I hadn't heard anything about the Blood Alpha, but I know he's out there and he's preparing just as much as I am.

"Hey, Jake. Dude" Asher snaps his fingers next to my ear and I'm pulled from my thoughts.

"Sorry man, what's the status?" I ask, taking my eyes off of Annabel and laying them on Asher.

"Well the pack's training sessions have been going smoothly, I haven't told anyone about it like you asked. Are you sure you don't want anyone to know about this? If people are in danger shouldn't we tell them?" He asks and I can see the worry in his eyes.

I sigh to myself and look back at my mate, "right now they just need to be ready for anything. I don't know what to expect, I just know he wants her. We don't even know that he's truly coming to get her, that rogue could have been lying to save his ass."

I can tell Asher wants to add something but restrains himself, and he simply nods as I look over at him. I have been worrying about a possible attack and I know the pack has noticed. No one would question my orders but I can feel an uneasiness wading through the minds and hearts of my pack members. I hated the idea of leaving everyone in the dark, but I didn't want to risk the news getting to Annabel. I know she likes to pretend she doesn't love her friends as much as she has come to this week, but I have a feeling she'd made up her mind long before the talk we had. If she found out someone had threatened her and I had begun preparing for a war she would run off to sacrifice herself for the pack. A small smile played across my lips as I watched her, I know it was traits like this one that were going to make her the strongest Luna this world has ever seen.

I turn away from the window and nod to Asher and he followed me down the hallway and into the meeting room. As I entered the room I noticed several men standing around the rounded conference table, awaiting my orders. I make my way to the head of the table and take a seat, the rest of the group following suit. My gaze passes between each pack member and they each give me a small nod of respect before I clear my throat.

"Let's start with training group A. How is our progress looking?" I ask, looking at the trainer to my left.

He looks at me attentively, "progress has been slow but I think I am making head way, Alpha."

I nod and look at the trainer for group B, "and how are the young adults looking?"

"They have been difficult to work with lately, Alpha. The pack members are curious, they want to know why the training sessions have been more frequent and longer. Is there anything you want us to tell them?" The trainer asked, possibly more fueled by his own curiosity than that of his trainees.

I take a deep breath and look over at Asher, who sat at the other end of the table giving me a knowing look, "as of right now I just need everyone on high alert. There has been a threat against one of our members and I need everyone safe and on their toes. This threat is nothing to be concerned over, the extra training is simply a precaution. As soon as I have everything sorted out and the threat has been neutralized the extra training will end. If the pack members are worried let them know we are having the Luna's ceremony saturday during the lunar eclipse. Give them something to look forward to, and keep training hard."

The trainers all looked to each other and I could feel their disapproval towards the threat. If they decide to tell their groups, the entire pack will feel the same disapproval and anger. I don't like keeping secrets from my pack but, in this case, it is the best thing I can do. Annabel is never alone for more than five or ten minutes, she's safer this way. Whether she is in the pack house or out in town with her friends she will always have protection, especially when she is home with me. I take my role as her protector very seriously, I made a promise to keep her safe and I will keep it.

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