Chapter One: Ordinary

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I step out into the street quickly, the winter breeze cutting into my cheeks, causing my long brown hair to blur my vision, as I briskly cross the street. The cold breeze slicing through my gloves, my warm breath forming clouds of mist in the cold air. I continue my daily walk to school, down main street and take a left at Oak Street. I follow my usual route, my bag heavy on my shoulder.

The ugly gray school building loomed up in front of me, as I slowed my walking. I left early this morning so I could take my time to study for finals. I only I have two more finals left to take today, after today its winter break. All my friends are going to cool places like the Bahamas and France.

My mom works as a scientist at a lab in town but, as a single mom trying to put me through collage, she doesn't have the money to take me anywhere. I will just have to see everyone else's cool winter break adventures over social media. I'll just stay home and read my books like I always do.

I walk into the dark school and head to my locker, keeping my head down so no one will notice me. I get to my locker, which is as always, crowded by popular jocks. The jocks laugh and mess around with each other, while I try to unlock my locker and get my notes to study with.

After retrieving my notes, I walk to class, squeezing through the crowded halls full of excited teens ready for break. The walls are all covered in colorful posters, encouraging students to join clubs and to go to these functions and what not. I just keep my head down and eventually find my way to my homeroom and sit down in my seat in the back.
I pull out my sketch pad to sketch away the stress of finals. I flip through the pad of paper, past drawings of large, dark gray eyes and animated animals. I flip to a new page and start a sketch of a person. The jaw and neck meet perfectly, and the dark hair starts to form a person I seem to be drawing more and more often.

A person who appears only in my dreams, a boy with dark chocolate brown hair, bright red flushed cheeks, big lips seemingly soft, their rosy pink and red seem to call my name. A person who's eyes seem to be screaming for help, but never says anything but my name. He calls my name in my dreams, right before he is ripped away and I awaken in a cold sweat, tears running down my face late at night.
I gasp quietly as I look up from my drawing. The bell rings loudly in my ears, which must have been what woke me from my day dream. I look around and see students seated and talking to each other. Laughter fills the room as girls gossip in the row next to me. I look down at my drawing, and sigh. His eyes, I can never seem to draw his beautiful blue green eyes right.

I put away my sketch pad and pull out my notes for geometry class and start my busy studying. Geometry class is my next final, and I need to be ready for when Mr. Holtz hands me my test.

I spend my entire homeroom period studying for geometry, and pass the test with flying colors. After the test, I sketch some more and read my book and wait for lunch to come.
He peered down at me, his hazel eyes bore into my soul. "Emma, you're mine. Only mine."He whispers.
The bell rings suddenly, snapping me out of the fantasy I have in my head when I read my book. I slide my book away into my heavy bag and rush to lunch.

The lunch room is packed, as I squeeze my way back out the wooden double doors. I went in and grabbed a quick lunch before the room got too crowded, and left quickly as usual. Now I make my way to the little hallway that connects the art wing and the geography wing of the school. I take my seat and lay out my lunch in order as I always do. The package in the center, my apple slices right next to it to the right and my water to the left, forming a semi-circle.
I like this hallway for many reasons. It is an all glass hallway, meaning the walls are big windows. The ceiling is the usual dark gray paneling, which allows the sunlight to really make the space glow. I also like that no one ever comes down this hallway, because it's so out of the way.
When it's warmer outside, this hallway heats up nice and warm and I enjoy sitting alone and eating my lunch in the warm sunlight. But during the cooler Washington months, such as the cold December it is now, the hallway is chilly and I have to sit on my coat.

I look outside and watch the snow as it falls silently to the ground, while I eat my lunch. PB&J as always, I eat my sandwich then I eat my usual side of apple slices. I see my reflection in the glass window and stare. My green eyes stare back at me, my long, wavy, brown hair frames my heart shaped face. My brown freckles cover my small nose and cheeks, and my small pink lips pucker a little in my reflection.
My mom is always saying how beautiful and fortunate I am, but I always dismiss her. If I were pretty, then I would know. Wouldn't I?
I pull out my sketch pad and stare at the drawing I drew in homeroom. Why can't I get his eyes right? The beautiful color I can almost get but, it drives me crazy that I just can't seem to get him right.
I pull out my pencils and close my eyes. I reach out into the darkness of my mind and try to find him. Suddenly an image of him rises out of the darkness, like a stone being retrieved out of a river. He's grinning, not directly looking at me. He seems to be looking at something, watching it almost. Suddenly his head snaps up and he looks directly at me astonished.
My eyes fly open and I gasp. His blue green eyes flashing in my memory. I grab my pencil and I start drawing.

When the bell ending lunch rings, I have eaten an adult sized lunch and drawn my mystery guy. I can't manage to get him right still, but I drew him anyway. I clean up my stuff from the floor and rush back to homeroom to study for my last final.

*******TWO HOURS LATER*****

I finish my final and raise my hand. My teacher comes by and smiles at me while taking my test. One hundred questions and I finished with twenty minutes left in the period. I pull out my large book and begin reading.
"I'm not your boyfriend Isabel" simon called out.
I kick back and read to my heart's content till the final bell rung, high pitched and loud, signaling the end of the last day of school for this semester. Students jump up and yell their joys of school being over, while I rush out the door.
I burst through the front doors of the school and catch my breath. It is quite the fear being able to push through the crowded hallways and still have the energy to walk a few miles to get back home. Yet somehow I am not even tired as I unlock the cool doorknob of my small home. The wooden door, painted white, left white paint chips in its wake as I open the door.
My house is a small, fill-in-the-gap house a few miles away from the high school. It's a wooden house painted blue and the outlines are painted white. Inside there are only two bedrooms, one bathroom, a small kitchenette, and a small living room. In the backyard we have a small creek that runs through our yard and a few pine trees. We have a porch in the front of the house and another one in the back.
I walk in and sigh, setting my keys in the bowl by the door. I shut the door and take off my shoes and leave them at the door so I don't track snow into the house. I head to the small kitchen across the house and open the fridge. I pull out turkey, a tomato, lettuce, mayo, and cheese, then shut the door. My feet pad across the white and black tiles as I make myself a sandwich.
Hello relaxing break. Goodbye stressful school.

Welcome reader, to the world of Annabel Winters. Comment and vote to show your liking and I hope you enjoy my new book! If you haven't already read it, I have a finisher book going through editing, be sure to read it and vote for it!
-The Author

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