Chapter 11: The Other Side

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I drank the third bowl of herbs much slower than I had the first two, my stomach was getting full. My wolf loved the strength, though, and she urged me to keep drinking and finish the third serving of herbs. After I was done I handed the woman my bowl and wiped my mouth with my wrist. She untied me when she found that she could feel my wolf within me, because apparently that's a thing around here.

"I've called the Alpha to my cabin this morning. He should be here soon, he is quite anxious to meet your wolf." She begins to wash my empty bowl in the sink as she has done before.

"Why does he care? I thought he wanted me dead, why bring my wolf out of hiding?" I riddle her with the questions I've been asking since my dream the other night.

She remains silent, as usual, as she dries the bowl and puts it away. I roll my eyes and scratch the rope tied around my ankles, I guess she was worried I would still try to run and it hurts my hands too much to try to untie to rope. I will escape, though, when the alpha leaves and her guard is down I'm going to make my run for it. I know I probably won't make it far because of my restraints but if I can get par enough to find a rock to break the rope then I could be home free.

A loud knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts as the woman walks over to let the alpha in. He stands tall in the doorway and his broad shoulders barely fit through the door frame. He walks into the room and I can feel my wolf stirring in my mind as he approaches me sitting on my bed. I glare at him, trying to at least make him fear me just a little, and he tries to place a hand on the top of my head.

Pulling away from him I growl, "don't touch me."

He chuckles and he grabs my wrist instead, "a feisty one. I like it."

As his skin comes into contact with mine my wrist begins to tingle and I quietly gasp, looking up into his eyes. My wolf, who had been going stir-crazy in my mind, spoke through me as our eyes met saying, "mate."

My heart beat so loudly I thought it might burst and suddenly the world seemed brighter; I'm breathing the same air as this perfect man and I'm happier for it. I've been blessed to touch him, to feel his heart beating for me, and I never want to stop touching him. My wolf howled in delight and continued to push these thoughts through my mind.

I pulled away from him as quickly as I could make myself and the tingling sensation ceased. My wolf stopped celebrating and began to ask why we would ever pull away from our perfect mate. I changed my look of awe back to my look of disgust as I glared into those golden eyes. My wolf might like him but I will never forget that I am still his prisoner, I am still being held captive, and he still won't let me leave.

"Very feisty indeed" he murmured to himself as the woman reopened the front door. "You'll be coming with me now love, and I'd prefer you go quietly."

My mate grabbed me by my wrist again, pulling me to my feet, and I gritted my teeth as the wolfsbane burned my ankles, "can't someone take this off of me. It hurts and I couldn't walk if I wanted to, which I do."

My mate smirked and wrapped his arm around my waist, "hey now don't get any ideas mister I will kill you as soon as I can. Don't think just because we're-" I begin to smart off as he lifts me off the floor and over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I scream as I beat his back with my fists as hard as I can. My mate continues to laugh at me as he walks out of the cabin I'd been locked in for days.

My wolf yipped, joyful at being so close to her mate, while I grumbled about my hair being ruined. I thought I would be able to escape but I can't get him to put me down and with all the blood rushing to my head I couldn't run in a straight line let alone trying to do so with the rope around my ankles. I'll just have to make a break for it when he sets me down.

"You can stop thinking about running away now" he muses.

"How did you-" I start to reply.

"Just a guess. Considering how happy your wolf is I doubt she'd help you run anyway but I just have a feeling you still hate me. Don't worry love, you won't hate me tomorrow after we mate." I can feel his stupid grin and I clench my jaw in frustration.

"Yes I do hate you and no we won't be mating. Ever." I reply annoyed.

"We'll see about that." He replies and the rest of the walk remains silent.

After a while I can hear the sounds of people talking and laughing together in the distance over the crunch of my mate's footsteps crunching twigs under us. He sets me down and gives me a stern look as he kneels to cut my restraints. I would use this opportunity to run but the sight in front of me has stolen my attention entirely.

Homes lined a street in front me and groups of people walk together, chatting and laughing, on a small pathway that leads into the woods where I stand in shock. It looks like a small community, they even have a small town square where a big lodge-like building stands with all of its pride. It looks to be about three stories tall and appears to be a large cabin, its dark wood posts jutting out of the roof to support the building's weight. People mill in and out of the center stone of the community, most with smiles on their faces, and I look over at my snarky Alpha mate to find him smirking at my shocked expression.

"I thought this was a small prison not a full-on town!" I almost shriek at him.

Maybe some of these people will help me get back home to my mother. I just have to get away from Alpha Asshole long enough to find shelter with a kind family or something.

"Maybe that's what I wanted you to think. Also this isn't a town. This is my pack, my community. Welcome to the Crescent Moon Pack, love." He replied with a grin.

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