"I never saw her around not until now." Jimin continued.

"Ah." The bartender mouthed. "That's Nayeon."

Jungkook and Jimin shared eye contact for a while before he went through his explanation.

"She originally takes shifts in the morning but because of some circumstances, she changed her schedule to a night shift. I'm not sure of it," he shrugged his shoulders. "but I think she needed to accompany a friend who's a newcomer in the first weeks, that is why."

Jimin nodded, hearing the bartender's story.

"What? You got your eyes on her?" Jungkook jokingly snickered.

"Psh." Jimin smiled widely. "Aniyo. Not that I've asked a girl's name, it doesn't automatically mean I'm interested."

"Ara... Arasso." Jungkook answered, slightly doubting. "See you around. We've got customers tonight."

The bartender attended to other customers orders which Jimin is knowledgeable of. He took all of the drinks and transferred to a small table, just around a corner where he could see the bar in a better angle. He sat comfortably and laid his head on the cushioned chair and relaxed.

Nayeon, one of the waitresses, quickly placed an empty tray on the bar shelf. She wipes her hands with the apron wrapped around her waist and gazed a frantic stare all over the place. She never knew working in night shifts is a lot stressful than in mornings. She huffed in exhaustion and tolerated the pain in her legs. It's for her friend, she thought.

"Jungkook," she loudly called because of the blasting music.

"Have you seen Jeongyeon around?"

"What?" He asked again.

"My friend. The one I told you the other day."

"I saw her went in the restroom. She must have taken a short break."

Nayeon paused for a while.

"Arasso. Kamsamnida!" exited and headed straight to the restroom.

As she trudged her way inside, she was suddenly welcomed by her friend, doing her business in the sink. Nayeon quickly called her name and asked what she was doing.

"Ya, Jeongyeon!" Nayeon complained. "You were gone for like... minutes! Fortunately, no one had noticed except for me of course. I will be dead if the manager sees that we're not inside."

Jeongyeon, Nayeon's best friend is experiencing the worst night of her life. She had been looking for part time jobs that would suit her schedule in the University and it took her forever to find one but it looks like she runs out of luck. Desperately needing for work, she contacted Nayeon and was accepted. Viola, she was now working as a waitress in a bar during night shifts.

Jeongyeon looked over for the best. She told herself it will be fine. Working as a waitress wouldn't be that bad but for now, she instantly regretted all of her decision but she can't back now.

"That stupid man just poured a drink all over my clothes. Aish, pabo!" Jeongyeon angrily wiped her shirt using wet wipes.

"That are just normal things that happen inside a bar. We get spilled on, etcetera, etcetera. We should hurry Jeongyeonie!"

Obviously worried of the time, Nayeon hurriedly pulled Jeongyeon out of the restroom.

"It just completely ruined my day. He should have apologized, a simple sorry is all I'm waiting for, but nothing!" Jeongyeon brushed her hair in irritation.

"Aigoo, men and their attitudes."

Nayeon scrubbed Jeongyeon's shirt and gave her a new set of aprons.

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