"You go first Zayn, Truth or dare?" Niall said


"I dare you to call Waliya and tell her that you're gay and tell her that you think you have a crush on me and ask some advice" Niall said. we all laughed. then Zayn did his dare.

He called her sister, Waliya

[ Conversation ]

Zayn: Hey sweetie.

Waliya: Hi Zayn, how are you? I miss you so much

Zayn: I'm good. miss you too. how are you?

Waliya: I'm good too. So why did you call?

Zayn: Just gonna ask for some advice

Waliya: About what?

Zayn: Well...uhm...i think i'm gay and uhm i think i got a crush on Niall... he's so cute and sexy. oh godd.

Waliya: .......

Zayn: .......

Waliya: .......

Zayn: Waliya? ya still there?


Waliya: *phone drops* *call ended*

- - - -

"She hung up" Zayn said

We burst into laughter again. oh my godd. whenever i'm with these lads. i always laugh.

Then Zayn's phone went off...

Her sister is calling her.

Zayn quickly answered it.

Waliya: are you fudging serious? Niall is mine!!!

Zayn: What? HE'S MINE !!

Zayn shouted back. and we laughed.

Waliya: why do i hear people laughing?

Zayn: because he's mind. oh my godd. ok well before we got into a huge fight. i gotta go now. love you

Waliya: yeah ok bye love you too. lots and lots.

then the call ended.

We laughed again.

"i actually thought she was freaking out at the fact that your gay.. but she's freaking out becuase you said you like Niall. oh my god" Perrie said as we all laugh. 

Niall is already rolling on the floor.

"sit down here Niall. control yourself. will you?" Liam said as he laugh.

"Your turn now Perrie" I said. "truth or dare?" 


"well...uhm... i dare you to stay in the kitchen for 30 minutes and not drink or eat anything"

"oh godd. i don't know if i can do that... ahhh temptation !!" Perrie said

We all know Perrie eat like Niall. i don't know how she's fit while having kinda big appetite. i mean if i eat like her i swear i'm gonna gain some pounds. But Perrie got an awesome metabolism, She's got a perfect body. i wish i can have her body. 

"How about Nialler will come with her?... Niall this is your Dare too" Harry said

"what? don't i have the right to choose between truth or dare?what if i want truth?" Niall said as he

"ok fine. truth or dare?"

"Dare" He proudly said

"oh godd. i don't know what i'll do to you"

Niall and Perrie entered the kitchen. . . . 

"Harry ! truth or dare?" Liam asked.


"If you are in a plane and it's gonna crash and you only got one extra parachute, then you need to choose between Mileena and Caroline, who would you choose?"

oh my godd Liam. 

Harry was surprised by the question. His face was blank. He looked at the floor for a couple of seconds.

He raised his head and smiled.

"Ofcourse.. It's Mileena !!!" he said as he hugged me tight again.

Massive smile grew on my face. 

"awww. got it on cam.!! whooo!" Louis said as he pointed to his phone on his hand.

and then we heard some noise coming from the kitchen. . . . .

We ran to the kitchen and we saw Niall got stuffed with some sandwich in his mouth while Perrie is about to shove a half slice of the sandwich to her mouth.

"wif guth hegry" Niall said

"i think he's trying to say 'We got hungry' " Perrie said and Niall nodded

"aaaahh that's the dare. control the hunger." Danielle said

"it's like the hunger games" Harry said.

"but not like the movie. because the movie doesn't show some hunger. i don't even know why it's called Hunger games but your dare is like 'The Hunger Games' because you can't eat. that's the challenge" Zayn explained.

"cool explaining bro" Harry said as he patted the back of Zayn.

"Well.. we can't help it. hunger is just soooo...." Niall said

"ok ok we understand" Zayn said as he escorted Perrie and Niall back to the lliving room.

"Let go to sleep now. We'll be back home again tomorrow" Liam said.

- - - - - - -


Whoooo. 3rd update of the week. ok i guess this will be the last update for this week because i'll be having my homeworks again because exams are over and yeah classes will be back again.

but maybe on Saturday. i'll have the update again ;)

Lots of love.

-ynna xx

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