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Namjoon woke with a start.
He was panting quickly, and sweat was running down his forehead.
'Are you okay? We banged on the door for 5 minutes straight, you didn't answer so we.. Broke down the door' Said Jin.
'He was back, He-He came back' Said Namjoon.

'Who came back?' Said Jin softly.
'The Imposter-He-He entered my soul again' Said Namjoon, rather shakily.
'It was just a nightmare, it didn't come back' Said Jin.

'What if it entered through my dreams? It's possible, yet rare' He said, curling up into a ball.
The others watched their leader, who was literally whimpering.

They felt so bad for him.
Jungkook suddenly clutched his head.
Namjoon suddenly felt stress radiating off of Jungkook.
He quickly sat up, and snapped his head to Jungkook.
The others, confused, turned to him, and saw that he was leaning against the wall, clutching his head.

Namjoon quickly got up, and rushed over to Jungkook.
'Hyung, No...' He mumbled, slightly pushing Namjoon away.
Namjoon shook his head, and took Jungkook to a room.
The others wanted to help too, but when they wanted to come in, Namjoon had locked the door.

They could Hear Namjoon cooing to Jungkook, saying everything was going to be OK, To ignore the pain, and focus on his eyes.
There was suddenly a yell, and a blast, sending all of them back.

Everything went quiet.
Suddenly, the door they saw as wood, had now transformed into metal.
There was muffled laughter.
Jimin was starting to freak out slightly.

J-Hope tried to barge in, but the heavy metalled door sent him flying backwards.
There was talking, Namjoon's calm voice, and The Demon Jungkook's Luring one.

There was a groan from the Inside, and a back smashed against the wall.
Suddenly, another blast, and everything went quiet.
The door turned back to wood.

There was a maniacal laugh.
'HELP!' Shouted Jungkook's voice.
Every single one of them burst in.
They were terrified as soon as they saw what was in there.
There was Lunatic Namjoon, holding Jungkook by the neck.

Namjoon's body was in the corner of the room.
'Hello! I haven't seen you all in such a long time! Sadly, I can't stay long. I don't have a body to reside in. Let me just-'


Everyone looked to Jimin.
They quickly backed away from him.
His eyes were Ocean blue, but there seemed to be a fire dancing around in them.
'Ah, Not you! I thought you gave up on your Side Jiminie?' Mocked the Demon.

'I did.
But I swear to god.
Hurt Jungkook.
And I will burst'

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