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Namjoon Still wasn't up. Yoongi was starting to get extremely worried. He offended the Imposter, and what if the imposter didn't bring back Namjoon? What if he caused all of this, and he let Namjoon Die?

All the others were getting pretty desperate too. Jin tried to pour a tiny amount of water on his face. Jungkook tried shaking the chains. J-Hope even went to the stage of shaking him awake, but still, nothing.

Yoongi looked over at his limp body, and shook hid head. He really didn't mean to shout at him when he wanted to get the information. He was just getting frustrated.

Jin took care of V, because he was still sore and bruised from yesterday.
Jungkook went next to his hyung, and Yoongi saw a tear slide down his cheek. He wasn't going to tease him for crying, because he felt like crying himself too.

Jimin was sitting in the corner. Yoongi thought he might have fell into Depression. He hoped not. They heard a shuffle.

Everyone looked hopefully over to Namjoon, and saw that he was stirring. He was mumbling something through the mask. Jungkook shook him lightly, but the man continued to mumble in his unconscious state.

Jungkook quietly said to Namjoon:
'Joon, wake up, please'
Namjoon stopped moving, and he lay there limp again.
Jungkook hung his head.

Jimin had been watching. He saw Namjoons moves, and he was hopeful he would get up. 'Guys, We haven't eaten in 2 days, come on, we'll come back' Said Jin, standing up. They all nodded except Jungkook.

'Jungkook, come on, you need to eat' Said J-Hope. Jungkook huffed, and stood up, following on. They went to eat, But Jin realised something terrible is happening. 'Guys.. We are running out of food..' He said.

They started worrying. Soon, they would HAVE to find a way to escape.
But first, they would have to get Namjoon freed. Jungkook didn't touch his food, even though his stomach rumbled.

'Jungkook, please, eat' Said Jin.
Jungkook shook his head, and got up, leaving them all. Im kind of starting to get worried for Jungkook, he is becoming more weak and fragile' Said V, finishing his bread slice.

'He's worried for Namjoon. They both have something in common, and I think Namjoon is the only one that was able to calm down Jungkooks out bursts' Said Yoongi.

'Maybe.. But still, he needs food so he doesn't starve' Said J-Hope.
They finished up, and Jin grabbed a slice of Bread for Jungkook. If he wouldn't eat, Jin would have to force him to eat. They made their way to the main hallway, where Jungkook and Namjoon were.

'Guys! Guys! Look! I finally got 5 of the locks open!' Said a very happy Jungkook. Jungkook wasn't standing, too weak to stand, but he was sitting, and pointing excitedly.
'What? How?' Said a very surprised Yoongi.
'I honestly don't know! I just grabbed one of the weird Hammers in the back room, and starting hitting the locks! The only lock that isn't off is the one around His Torso, and he is slowly waking up! Said Jungkook excitedly.

He was, indeed, right. Namjoon was slowly stirring, and the other chains were laying at his side. 'That's great!' Said Yoongi, smiling in what seemed forever.

Namjoon slowly opened his eyes, and looked around. 'Guys- Who freed me from the other chains?!' Said Namjoon excitedly. He moved a bit, but then went back to sitting weakly.
'Jungkook' Said Jin, pointing to the Maknae, whose head snapped up.

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