The Plan

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Jungkooks head snapped up.

'Jungkook, honestly, you are the best, come here!' Said Namjoon, smiling for what seemed an eternity.
Jungkook came over, and Namjoon pulled him into a hug. He winced slightly, and pulled back from the hug.
He pulled back his sleeve, and saw that his wrists and hand were literally red - raw.

He checked his legs and feet, and saw that they were also very red and raw.
He shook his head, and then smiled again, showing off his dimples 'Doesn't matter, but we are very close to getting out of here! Why are you all so sad?' He said, tilting his head to the side. 'You see, We realised, that Our food stock is officially running out' Mumbled Jin.

Namjoon knew this was the time to worry, but instead, he showed no signs of worry, and said 'Jungkook, can you try beating away at this lock here? Maybe it would release me from this stupid chain'

Jungkook nodded, and hammered away.

Namjoon Felt the huge heavy chain, slide off, and he realised, he was finally free.
The others broke into cheers, and happy yells.
He slowly stood up, and stumbled a bit. He then, said:

'Alright, its time for a plan...'

Sorry that it's so short today!  But I'm practising dances for something for next week, sowwy!

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