No good news.

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'Izzy" the doctor started. " I have your test results right here, and sadly .. " he stopped. "

"Wh- what is it?" I asked. It can't be something too bad I only got hit in the head !

" Well you see, you got hit pretty hard and this may seem very scary but I think nows the time to tell you. you have had these problems since you were a kid , I don't think you remeber coming in here very often but you have a brain tumor and its very serious." He looked up at me with sadness in his eyes.

I couldn't believe a word I was hearing. I needed to say something, all these questions were crowding up my mind but the one that stood out was, " How long do I have?" I asked as he looked down at his papers.

" Well judging by how long you've had these problems I think you may have about......... one year."

I couldn't hold it in any longer, the tears started pouring out of my eyes. I allways knew I had problems with my head but I never thought it would come to this.

"What how?! I seemed fine 3 days ago! what happned?!" I screamed into the doctor's ears.

" I don't know hun but I think you will be out of here in about two days, okay now you get some rest. Is there anything I can get you?" He asked very politely.

" Kaily." I responded. Yeah she may be with Alex but she's still my best friend." I need Kaily."

The Doctor looked at me then smiled and said " Ill see what I can do!" And with that he walked out.

So now it's just me and my thoughts in a dark room. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

A Girl Named IzzyWhere stories live. Discover now