Exam's time

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The time was passing like air. unstoppable and then the time comes when we were having exams. till that i have accumulated that much amount to pay my exam fees. i don't like asking jungkook and taehyung for money every time.

we were studying hard as the exam was not that difficult but still. in a same room we have a schedule for a whole day.

Exams arrived

At morning

"what should i do...what should i do....in some hours exam will start and what if i fail..what will i do my friends will surpass over me and what if.....seriously yrr i am stressed out my friends aren't home they are gone for breakfast.."

suddenly jin arrives

"what happen dude, why are you so nervous"

"today is exam...today is exam" i said

"calm down,calm down. take a chill"

"your exam is also today right then why aren't you nervous?"

" see, questions aren't too easy nor too difficult so just relax"

"as you say.."

he gets to his room and then jungkook and taehyung arrived. they asked

" what did he come for?"

"nothing just to calm me down"

"so...you're feeling okay right"


I started to revise the lesson what teacher told us. when i was revising i was like i know everything now but i knew now i know everything but when i enter in exam i will know nothing accept questions...revising it likes make me topper...but i am...

time is coming.....time is coming...i am so freaked out.

After some hours

i was entering in exam hall praying god that please at the time of exam i should remembered everything my friends going to their class

" best of luck, you"ll pass i know"

their words makes me comfortable.. i think in last life i have done something good to meet them. when i entered into the class yoonji was already there waving hand.. i think so..he's telling me "Hii" right..?? but after i get to know he was stretching..i was so fool

After attending exam

It was pretty easy for me..i hope their exam will also go easy as mine i was waiting near a pillar when i saw yoonji was sitting at the bench he used to sit i sat next to him..i saw him writing rap i and the title was 'August D' .

"what D stands for.."

" daegu" suddenly answered

"oh! so you're from daegu right..?"

"if I am not from daegu then why would i put it..stupid.."

"okay, okay i know you don't want me here so relax i am going..by the way..how's your exam??"

"it was nothing just a piece of paper that i filled with answer...if you want anything come to me next time but don't bother me now, get lost." with a scary face.

I thought his nature is like this I can't do anything with his personality

it was a relieve that i attend exam with great efforts. i get to my room and slept for some hours...it was so relieve to slept after to many days.

i was waiting for my result i was pretty sure that i would pass but what marks will i get..

At the time of result

i didn't believe at myself i topped in whole course...it was like my dreams come true my friends was proud of me.

jungkook and taehyung also passed with great marks as talking yoonji he ranks second that was expected because he doesn't show but he's great at everything i can tell his conversation is quite bad but he's great singer he will be and.

after that we get related to songs that the famous singer we would be background dancer as well as singer. it wasn't what i expected but life goes on.

I've first song as background rapper. i saw the famous singers were i see only on T.v where over in front of my eyes. I thought they were angels came from heaven..but when i saw them in reality without makeup i was shocked as well surprised...what i saw i can't explain properly.

After recording songs I've got next work as a background dancer where i saw there were 15 people as background dancers including me.

i saw a guy was as dancer he was incredible like a professional. but he was one of us. He wore same dress as us.

"what is your name..? if you don't mind wanna talk with me?"

" yeah sure" with smiling face

He said " my name is hoe soek"

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He said " my name is hoe soek"

"Nice name" i said immediately

" should i show you some dance I've just perfect in it wanna see??

"sure i pleasured to see it"

when he was dancing in front of that big hit board he looks like professional dancer how can he be a background dancer. he dance like a machine.

when dance ended.

"How was it does it good or bad i want a compliment okay just tell me if it is not good" 

" Really dude...you were like machine...like professional...I am speechless dude.."

"really it was that good...i used to be a street dancer were i just earn a few money from it, but see my luck where am i now."

between talking i told him how i left my home. 

His reaction was unbelievable..

" really...how can you...do you know what you have done..i wished i have a parents like you have and you don't want them....do you know i am an orphan.."

I felt sorry for him. But I can't do anything as he has his own fate.....

(a/n Hey guys thank you for appreciating this story. Many of them encourage me to write this story even when i sucks in grammar and sentenced so I can just to improvement in that. please tell in comment what chapter do you really like. wanna know how did Hoe soek join the band... then see you in next episode. stay tune. thank you guys....)

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