Yoongi's secret

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I realized that Yoongi doesn't like people surrounding him and the most important thing that he was lazy af... After sometimes surrounding by him i get to know that his parents are like mine doesn't allow him to learn music. He is  like my type. we have so many same hobbies and background story and main that he also like to rap. 

After sometimes one day I found him alone. He was sitting at corner after lectures i see that he was on standing on corridor waiting for someone. after some minutes a cute girl enter and was talking to him and yoongi was explaining something i really wanna listen their conversation and after that I am thinking why the hell i am thinking about that guy so often but he looks so interesting and lots of secret in him.

i was seeing them pretty far and i wanna know what they are speaking in that moment they started to fight on something, i was curious then what is happening after that the girl left. i thought that she was his girlfriend. After she left yoongi was depressed. I feel guilty on him so i just stand next to him.He was giving me cold shoulder and wanted to take every sadness with him. 

I said to comfort him..

'' it is normal in relationship that we sometimes fight on somethings''

At that moment He laughed and said

''She was my little sister''

After listening to him i m facepalmed  and understood that she was his girlfriend 

He said 

'' i know what you understood but that doesn't mean you have chance to approach her if you will then i'll kill you

his frowned eyes gives me goosebumps and i told

''see i m already not interested in your sister and don't give me that look like murderous look, it gives me goosebumps''.

He laughed at it at time and i was so attract toward his gummy smile. I've never seen him like that.

After that we go to the restaurant for some ice cream. 

He said that 

''I was depressed towards my parents they want me to come back and to concentrate on studies while i am loser towards studies. I have told them if I become a great singer then they won't force me on anything. if i loss,if i won't become a famous singer then i listen to them whatever they say''

I became silent for some moments and then. 

He smirked and said  ''what if i won't become one like them''

''you will be one of them, you won't have to be so depressed over it, you just hard work and don't give up.''

After reaching home jungkook and taehyung said that they were worried about me and asked me where have i gone. i spilled the beans. 

After confessing they only said ''ooh''

I asked them should make him join us after all we are all same. And they agreed after all he was best at writing lyrics. 

Next day i tried to arrive little early and sat next to him.

I said

'' I am trying to make a music band would you like to join us, i dunno if we get famous or not but we should try at least..???''

He was staring at me for 5 mins and he said he was agreed after then i was so happy inside me like we've got new member as well as rapper.

Then he gave me cold shoulder again. I was thinking too much that he will react like friends then whenever i see him rather he was sleeping or writing lyrics..yoongi barely talked to me or anyone in class. I thought he have fight again with his parents but he doesn't look like depressed and all. I asked him after. 

 ''why are you so silent type....Do you have no one to talk, you can talk with me or my friends, they are brothers to me anyway..''

he said..

''it is not that i don't have anyone to talk, but i hate meeting people they are annoy me, and whatever they say are all rubbish, and i don't like meeting people either, so you should always careful in front of me..'' with arrogant look.

''ok ok that fierce look again....please don't give me that look yrr.. i got goosebumps all over my body.... see.....'' by taking a look at my hands.

After conversation with me he just left like that. ''whatever'' i thought. while i met jungkook and taehyung on way and we get something to eat and get to the room after that our days was passing like this....but in between i really missed my parents and want to talk to them just a little.....but it's my attitude that make me stop and after that incident with yoongi...i really want to see them, what are they doing? are they hoping me to come back? did they tried to contact me? what if they are crying over me? these things are bothering me so much. After some time I decided to...

(a/n Hey guys if you are reading this much story then I am really thankful to you. i am really sorry for my grammatical mistakes so please if there is any inconvenience in reading so feel free to add on comment and please vote on my story. Thank you)

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