Nothing Wrong

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Happy pride month! This chapter isn't entirely made for the moment, though I guess we'll have to reminded of the harsh realities we get from these type of situations. Best of luck to those with crappy people like Norman's father, but remember that you shouldn't let one person degrade you for who you're born as. :) 

Theodore was the one who came to open the door, despite looking like he'd rather have some other guest. Norman waited in his seat, sitting still and seemingly doesn't know what to expect. One part of him prayed for this to go well, and the majority of him just wanted to recover from the nuzzling. It felt both weird and abnormal right at the wrong time.

He assured himself that he was not afraid of what might comes next. He tried to tell himself that this would be okay. And somehow, it really seemed like a white lie. It didn't seem like it was appropriate, given that the worse was bound to happen.

He just prayed an extra harder when the door opened up.

"Hello, Mr. Tarver," Theodore smiled as he greeted the man. Something about his smile seemed fake but Norman didn't really want to complain about it.

His father was wearing a brown leather trench coat and gloves, looking a lot more fancier than he usually was. He entered Theodore's house, eyeballing the area with watchful eyes. "Hello there, Mr. Glass. Nice place you have here, I suppose." he was somehow observing it too carefully, as if wondering this was a good place for Norman to live or not.

Theodore nodded. "It's pretty nice. I live here alone most of the time, so nothing can ruin the beautiful interior. Unfortunately, I usually have to dust everything myself." he chuckled.

His father was now staring at the small table Norman was seated at. "Impressive. I suppose it's better than dealing with two nasty children in the household. My wife and I stopped caring about our kids plastering the house with nail polish and spinning tops." 

Norman couldn't help but raise a brow. How in the world did he qualified to have the label 'nasty?' And not to mention, he did not plaster the house with Beyblade. Well, maybe he did forget to clean his room here and then, but...

He's now an adult. Nobody cares!

"Kids can be quite a handful at times. And this is coming from someone who has a team full of young ones, who came from all sorts of backgrounds," Theodore gestured towards one seat, the one across from Norman. He watched as his father sat down. "But overall, kids can be quite a charm. They have all sorts of adorable antics."

Norman noticed how his father squinted at him, as if to imply something. Somehow, Norman felt like his father was trying to point out his childish attitude. 

"So you like kids?" 

Norman wasn't very impressed. "Dad, I'm an adult now. I'm not a baby." 

His father gave a tch. "Of course, Norman. You said you were eighteen now, so technically you aren't a baby of some sort."

"Dad, I'm nineteen. Not eighteen."

"Makes somewhat sense."

The older man couldn't help except chuckle at the two. "Keep on having that heartwarming conversation. I should get some tea and cookies for you both." and with that, Theodore left the table and headed off elsewhere. Perhaps his father came too early, rendering Theodore with no prepared tea. Poor him. 

"I was going to ask for whiskey, but tea is also pretty good," his father called out, though Theodore didn't seem to hear. When Theodore was out of sight, he looked over at Norman. "So, what's it like? Knowing that you're..." that he's what? Gay? Different? Abnormal? Kicked out of the house? So many answers that can answer all of those!

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